It adds barbarian attacks, metropolises, a merchant, commodity production, and physical knights to the primary rules. During your turn, you may play as many progress cards as you wish. Unlike normal production, cities do not increase this bonus. The barbarians attack, and their strength is 5 (i.e., 4 cities plus 1 metropolis). Knights can be placed to block construction of other players, and they can also be used to break another player’s “longest road”. Again, if using a random board, shuffle the harbor tokens and place them normally. The effects of the die roll must be resolved in a specific order: First, use the event die to determine what event takes place that turn. However, a moving knight may pass through any number of intersections that are occupied by pieces of the same color (assuming that they are all connected by roads, as above). where: b = strength of barbarians, s = number of cities, m = number of metropolises. Commodities are produced only by cities, and only in forest, pasture, and mountains. Example: If you have 2 cities, each with a city wall, you may safely hold up to 11 cards in your hand without having to discard half of them when a “7” is rolled. A knight may be activated on the same turn he was built; however, the knight may not perform an action on that same turn. If the island is successfully defended, the player(s) with the most knights are rewarded. All knights on the board are turned so that their inactive (black &white) side faces up. This should make for a balanced resource distribution. You may use this ability at any point during the turn you play the card. Name a commodity. With this card you can displace an opponent’s knight without using a knight of your own. If you play the Mining card, you will receive 4 ore cards. If you wish to build a knight, you must pay one wool and one ore to the bank. The market costs 1 cloth. City Walls defend the people of Catan in the cities from the production card limit of the Robber. There are, however, 2 new items that you may elect to build during your turn. This card awards you 1 victory point. Each knight may perform any 1 of the actions each turn. The robber does not affect the merchant. Your city improvements are tracked with your development flip-chart. Look at the player’s hand of resource and commodity cards and choose 2 cards to take and add to your hand. You can only play this card on an opponent who has more victory points than you. Its strength must equal to the knight removed (the normal rules for placing knights apply). Each page of the flip-chart shows the building costs of each piece. Shuffle each stack separately and place them face down near the island. If this player can’t lose a city either, the player with the third lowest strength of knights loses one. The status of the displaced knight (active or inactive) does not change. During your turn, after you have rolled the dice, you may play any number of progress cards in any order. If you play according to the basic rule for Cities & Knights: All active knights participate in the battle; therefore, they all are deactivated. he takes control of the merchant and receives the trade advantage and the victory point. Each player must give you 1 commodity of that type if they have them. (Some cards are balanced better as well – the new Resource Monopoly card, for example, can take no more than 2 of the named resource from any one player.) Second, the deck of development cards is replaced by three different decks, each corresponding to one of the commodities. Each city wall you control increases the maximum number of cards you safely hold in your hand when a “7” is rolled on the production dice. For the battle against the barbarians, each active Knight is worth the Victory Points that correspond to his strength. Player C has only a metropolis, and player D has only settlements. Each player now places. The blue player must now move his displaced knight to “A” or “B”, which are both connected to his original site by roads. any resource or commodity you choose. for production, you do not receive any resources or commodities, you may take any one resource of your choice from the bank. When you play this card, take the red and yellow dice and turn them so the result you want is face up. We would like to thank the following members of the forum: Andreas Egeler (Egi), Grzegorz Kobiela (Grzegorz), Karl Frank (kilrah), Helmut Mader (pi8ch), Jonas Milke (Catanist), Dr. Reiner Düren (RedPiranha), and Alain Miltgen (milli). In Catan Cities And Knights, you are allowed to build and trade any number of times and in any order. Look at another player’s hand of progress cards. Adds several new aspects to Settlers of Catan but the two major ones are creating knights to protect the land from invading barbarians and building city improvements that confer benefits upon that city's owner. One of the main additions to the game are commodities, which effectively act as secondary resources produced only by cities (and not settlements). Barbarians III: Players are Defeated - What happens if I have to downgrade a city to a settlement but don’t have another settlement in my supply? Can you build and promote Knights after losing all your Cities? Be aware that: If the barbarians pillage your city (i.e., reduce it to a settlement), the city wall is also destroyed. of your settlements or cities. You must still pay to promote the knights normally. The knight you place has the same status (active or inactive) as the knight your opponent removed. Rolling the dice: Roll the three dice from “Cities & Knights.” If the “black ship” symbol is rolled, a barbarian is placed on the coastal hex showing the number rolled, provided that there are less than 3 barbarians on this hex. You many not, however, use this ability when a “7” is rolled. To activate that knight again, you must pay one grain. Do barbarians destroy city improvements when they attack? Progress cards may never be traded at any time. The card set for “Barbarian Attack” is not required. Beginners should set up the game according to the example shown here. Because of the loss, players A and B each lose one of their cities. Each page of the flip-chart shows the building costs of each piece. If you have a settlement or a city on a 3:1 harbor, you may trade 3 of any commodity for 1 of any resource or commodity of your choice. If you draw a fifth progress card, and you cannot play it because it is not your turn, you must discard one card (of your choice) to the bottom of the appropriate stack. Place the city wall (the square wooden piece) under any city you own on the board. The new, stronger knight must be placed in the same location as the knight you have promoted. The barbarian ship will move along this track toward Catan. Metropolis: A Metropolis can not be conquered. There are two primary rules that are often missed by new gaming groups. Your flip-chart is divided into 3 separate parts, Also, you may only build 1 city wall under a given city, and you can have a maximum of 3 city walls on the board at any given time. In Cities &Knights, we’ve added 3 new, “refined” materials to the game. Barbarians I: Course of the Battle - May I still activate knights the moment the barbarian ship reaches the coast? Each knight token is labeled on both sides. This allows you to take a basic knight (open helmet/one ring) and place it on the board. You do not have to give this player the resource card. Relocating: Each Knight may move over a distance of up to 3 paths per turn (after trading and building), regardless if he is active or passive. Losses after a victory: If the die roll indicates a Basic Knight, it is removed from the game board; if the die roll indicates a Strong Knight, it is downgraded to a Basic Knight if available. You are able to use this ability for the remainder of the game, even if other players also achieve. The barbarian ship moves along this track on its way to Catan. You may upgrade a settlement to a city for 2 ore and 1 grain. The condition of the knight (active or inactive) does not change. Barbarians I: Course of the Battle - Do I deactivate all knights or only those that participated in the battle against the barbarians? When you buy a city improvement, you flip the page section matching the improvement you purchased. Cities & Knights pieces replace these components. You can get them after flipping the blue pages, with the blue commodities: Move the robber, following the normal rules. of your settlements or cities. Each of the other players who has at least as many victory points as you must discard half of his resource/commodity cards. You may purchase improvements in all 3 areas even if you own only 1 city. There is one restriction on the purchase of improvements, however. Barbarians III: Players are Defeated - If the player with the lowest strength of knights can’t lose a city, who loses one? Add up all of the cities owned by all of the players anywhere on the island to determine this strength. Then you may turn the knight token over to the active side, which depicts the helmet in color. Choose another player who Each improvement increases your chance of being eligible to draw progress cards. Instead, each of the players who tie for the highest strength draws the top card from any 1 of the 3 progress card stacks (his choice). It allows you to choose the results of both production dice. At the beginning of the game, open page 1 of your flip-chart; the page indicates that you have no improvements. After the knight is displaced, board), you may place a basic knight instead, following the normal rules. Each turn the event die shows a black ship, the barbarian navy moves one space closer towards Catan. If the event die roll shows a city gate, you may draw a progress card of like color-but only if the number on the red die matches one of the dice pictured on that color’s section on your development flip-chart. They count toward the robber or limit when a “7” is rolled. Any player who contributed no knights are automatically considered to have the lowest total strength of active knights. Example: You have 2 settlements next to a mountains hex, and a city next to a different mountains hex. You do not have to have a settlement or city next to the hexes with the numbers you are swapping. Barbarians II: Players Win - After I defended Catan, may I take a Progress Card that matches the color of an area of development where I don't have a city improvement?

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