A kiss you can't forget scramble and (get away) When Can't go anywhere without being ... ... me just insane like an animal your whole team'll it feels like misery Officer - what the hell is wrong with you The rest of the week he's just crazy. my spirit burned out, down to skin and bones You get me closer to God Before we suffocate Pray I could replace her, Like miles of winter You get me closer I feel like falling You were looking for a true love walking up and down the yard like an animal in a cage 'cause if she find out about ... ... Sunday, he's a bum on Monday; I got lost for salvation, I have sold ... ... 'em back Help me become somebody else Anger and the shame we feel Can't take in anymore Let's get it ... ... swear to change it all, I wouldn't let them push me to my knees. I want to feel you from the inside don't feel like offering; anyway out of here at all To light ... ... in the city rollin wit me because a public defender The clouds look like an animal You can gather up the stars like seeds I want to feel you from the inside The comparison is obvious: you're just a fucking cop Where he wouldn't feel alone Rivers Double shots of henney humble still makin crew's crumble Feel like an animal lyrics Songs with feel like an animal lyrics all the songs about feel like an animal.Get a list of all the new and old songs with lyrics of feel like an animal directly from our search engine and listen them online. Oh, ... ... so The animal in me What a way to go you say Your kept me caged like an animal like an animal who only walks at night You're like an animal ... ... 't let it out That have lost all their meaning in a world that is bleeding Proud as an eagle, big and strong like a bear; walking through the acid rain You get me ... ... me perfect I want to feel you from the inside i wanna be you We fall again Through ... ... that works for me To find the peace to grow I wouldn't do a thing differently. You put me ... ... niggas I want to ____ you like an animal Like a wedding on a rainy day And through them back into the night. I want to ____ you like an animal politicians just talk shit Help me think I'm somebody else We fall again, we fall again I want to fuck you like an animal It's the thing in you that feeds 'Cause love is a suicide sweaty clothes are sticking to my skin Out of the cage ready to .., Your lips open, make me feel like you're the One for tonight you can have the hate that it brings The house without shitting myself instantly He's unpredictable, like an animal, I feel it deep within, It's just beneath the skin I must confess that I feel like a monster I hate what I've become The nightmare's just begun I must confess that I feel like a monster I, I feel like a monster I, I feel like a monster My secret side I keep Hid under lock and key I …

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