├ Shamir Tea Party Guide ├ Garreg Mach Monastery Map ├ Ashe Ubert └ Gambits Appreciated by fashionable women. ├ Balthus ├ Tea Party ├ Battle System ├ Abyss Map Appreciated by those who enjoy bitter flavors. A beautiful ceremonial sword with a mangled blade. ├ Byleth’s Birthday Guide tool used for processing a catch after a hunt. Someone with a passion for that topic might want this. February 17, 2020 ├ Marianne von Edmund ├ Chapter 3: The Rite of Rising These cookies do not store any personal information. ├ Trickster ├ Skill System ├ Pegasus Knight Appreciated by those who enjoy studying government. ├ Chapter 2: Familiar Scenery Appreciated by lovers of food and drink. Small, sparkling beads for sewing into fabric. ├ Lorenz ├ Grappler ├ Abyss Facilities and Services ├ Petra Macneary ├ Chapter 16: Lady of Deceit "Learn How to Play the Cindered Shadows DLC Side Story! ├ Rhea └ List of Characters, ■ Popular Tea Party Guides └ Playing the Cindered Shadows DLC ├ Faculty Training ├ Chapter 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields ├ Chapter 14: A King without a Kingdom It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. ├ Playing the Cindered Shadows DLC └ Ingrid Brandol Galatea ├ Alois Rangeld └ Quest Battles, ■ Church of Seiros ├ Paralogue Battles ├ Dorothea Arnault 4. ├ Post-Time Skip Level Increase ├ Saint Statues A baked confection made by mixing fruit into dough. ├ Chapter 14: The Master Tactician ├ New Classes Confirmed ├ Petra Macneary Appreciated by those with a sweet tooth. ├ Favorite and Disliked Gifts ├ Chapter 7: Field of the Eagle and Lion ├ Character Stat Growth Rates ├ Gilbert ├ Pagan Altar ├ How to Raise Character Stats and Skills ├ Ignatz ├ Online Features ├ Death Knight Grown sometimes in Fodlan. Meat prepared in the monastery’s smoker. ├ Mysterious Teacher ├ Combat Arts ├ Catherine ├ Hilda An old collection of sheet music filled with hymns and pastoral songs. ├ Chapter 17: The Impregnable Fortress Boots specially made for mastering the equestrian arts. ├ Dimitri ├ Caspar ├ Caspar von Velgris ├ Chapter 4: Danger in the Dark One new element to Fire Emblem: Three Houses is that of Gifts. └ Chapter 21: Following a Dream A tool that tells you when a fish is on the line. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. ■ Character Abilities A fun activity in which players compete using stones on a board. ├ Game Controls ├ Armored Knight ├ Main Game and DLC Differences ├ Lecture Room Questions and Answers ", "New Characters and New Classes added in our Recommended Classes Second Edition! ├ Myrmidon ■ Non-faction Characters ├ Manuela └ Gilbert Prosnirav Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling or cooking. ■ Part 2: Verdant Wind (Golden Deer – Claude Route) Stories of knights proving their heroism with brave deeds. ├ Information on Valkyrie Class ├ Chapter 18: The King’s Triumphant Return ├ Ignatz Victor ├ Bow Knight Someone from a foreign land might want this. ├ Archer Grown sometimes in Fodlan. Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the Black Eagles characters, Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the Blue Lions characters, Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the Golden Deer characters, Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the Ashen Wolves characters, Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the Church of Seiros characters, Information on Church of Seiros Characters, Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the Knights of Seiros characters, Information on Knights of Seiros Characters, Below is a list of favorite and disliked gifts for the non-faction characters. An essential text for future kings, queens, and emperors. ├ Auxiliary Battles └ Chapter 18: To the End of a Dream ├ Lord ├ Weapons ├ Chapter 13: Beyond Escape ├ Dorothea ├ Magic Spells ├ Game Menu ├ Recommended Equipped Abilities ├ Petra ■ New Tea Party Guides ", Information on War Monk and War Cleric classes, More Information on Trickster Class, Anna Battle Merchant Costume in DLC, War Cleric and Other Speculated Classes Confirmed, Chapter 19: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads, Chapter 15: Tempest of Swords and Shields, Mission Chapter: A King without a Kingdom, Chapter 14: The Alliance Leader’s Ambition, Chapter 20: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads, Learned Abilities and Arts by Skill Level. ├ Gardening Schedules ├ Recommended Starting Weapons ├ Shamir Nevrand ├ Chapter 20: The City Without Light ├ Tutoring System ■ Those Who Slither in the Dark ├ Mission Battles ├ Chapter 13: Reunion at Dawn Appreciated by those who like flowers. ├ How to Get Certification Seals Appreciated by those who enjoy studying history. ├ Dancer Class Appreciated by those who enjoy studying Crests. ├ Hero’s Relic & Sacred Weapons ├ Support System └ Wyvern Rider ├ Trainee Classes of Ashen Wolves ■ Blue Lions └ Renown Farming Guide, ■ Character Information and Stats ├ Information about Abyss In-Game ├ Speculated New Classes in the DLC A handy charm that came from somewhere far away. ├ Claude von Riegan ├ Chapter 21: Our Chosen Paths ├ Chapter 12: To War ├ Lysithea von Ordelia A book containing the designs of 21 identified Crests. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. ├ Claude von Riegan ├ Game Features ├ Flayn ├ Chapter 19: Golden Deer’s Plea Appreciated by those who enjoy hunting. ├ Key Gameplay Mechanics ├ Dining Hall Meals Catherine and Shamir both want this. ├ Amiibo Gazebo ├ Yuri Appreciated by most ladies and those who like gardening. ├ Game Length and Other Plans └ Chapter 11: Throne of Knowledge ├ Sothis Appreciated by those who enjoy nature or art. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ├ Felix Fraldarius └ Rodrigue ├ Balthus ├ Yuri ├ Bernadetta von Varley ├ How to Defeat the Death Knight ■ Master ├ Chapter 18: The Chaos of War ├ Flame Emperor ├ Forging Guide ├ Lecture Room Bonus Motivation ├ Falcon Knight ├ Fighter ├ Chapter 10: Where the Goddess Dwells ", "Rhea and the Ashen Wolves Tea Party Guides Now Available! ├ How to Obtain Dark Seals ■ News and Features Archive, ■ Walkthrough ├ Information on War Monk and War Cleric classes ├ Edelgard ■ Part 2: Azure Moon (Blue Lions – Dimitri Route) ├ Dorothea Tea Party Guide ■ Knights of Seiros

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