But ultimately this support provides a ton of great information on their whole family, as well as Hugh’s adventures and Niime’s opinion of him. Furthermore, as the player's avatar, Robin has access to every class in the game, providing unparalleled flexibility when it comes to potential skills and utility. So I was wondering if my old man had the talent or not. This is quite a bit of a stretch though, as there is no evidence backing my last statement up, but I think this theory holds a bit of structure so I thought it was worth sharing. Fae: Granny Niime! A sage from The Blazing Blade, Pent joins with an A rank in both Anima tomes and Staves, allowing him to be utilized as an offensive and supportive unit depending on a player's needs. Anyway, one morning when I woke up, the kid was gone, and so was the spell book! You could argue her sons sealed their own fates, I guess, but there's no justifying how she treated Hugh, not to mention the whole "I was going to do something unspeakable to you but gosh darn it, you're just too cute" thing with Fae (which raises the question: if it had been, say, Bantu, would she have gone in for the kill, or horrific experimentation, or whatever it was she was planning?). I want to highlight something here that's kind of important and I'll take the time to go back and reference the supports in Fe7 with Canas to expand on Niime's character a little bit. Raigh: ...It's not like I have some grandiose reason. Determined to keep their dark magic lineage going strong, she attempted to force it on him, but ultimately Hugh made the decision himself and took up anima magic like his mother, a decision that Niime ultimately comes to terms with (only after slapping him in the face with a book). After the war, she disappeared in the mountains of Ilia. Fae: Um... Yeah! Niime, also known as the "Hermit of the Mountain" is an accomplished Ilian Druid in Fire Emblem: Fūin no Tsurugi, who was captured by Bern and was forced to cooperate with them, and subsequently rescued by Roy, whom she allies herself with in order to study the Manakete, Fa.. She is the mother of Canas from Fire Emblem, and the grandmother of Hugh, whom she raised as a child. Fae: ...? It’s really hard to see her aims in this support, as she kinda jumps around, but it gives her a more unique style of helping people as opposed to Yodel’s stalwart patience. Niime: To tell the truth… I was afraid of those demons. I'm the one who brought you into this world. Fae finds her, with Niime getting flustered to be discovered and leaving. Hugh sympathizes with her, only having a pathetic grandson left, but Niime isn’t all that disappointed, and truly wants him to live a long and fulfilling life. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She doesn’t seem to have a worry in the world… …How cute…”. Fa: What is it? H-Hey, Grandma! But one day when he woke up, the tome was stolen. Niime warns him that the power he seeks is dangerously strong, but he doesn’t care about destroying a planet or two. I can leave you alone if your head hurts. But Niime couldn’t let herself force such a talented anima mage as Canas’s wife to take up dark magic, and it seems to be the same case with Hugh. She would know, being so old, she says. Niime: My name is Niime. She holds Canas in high esteem, although her grandson, not so much. ...Even the Dragon blood that flows in me...it is what makes who I am...

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