His mother urged his father when they married in 1846 to obtain the right to use the particule or form "de Maupassant" instead of "Maupassant" as his family name, in order to indicate noble birth. 05/08/ 1850, Tourville-sur-Arques, França. Em consequência desse ato desesperado, foi internado em um manicômio, onde morreu no ano seguinte, com apenas 43 anos. [11] Next year, in autumn, he was sent to the Lycée Pierre-Corneille in Rouen[12] where he proved a good scholar indulging in poetry and taking a prominent part in theatricals. Sua obra é conhecida por retratar situações psicológicas e fazer … Flaubert characterized it as "a masterpiece that will endure." Um beijo legítimo nunca vale tanto como um beijo furtado. The Franco-Prussian War broke out soon after his graduation from college in 1870; he enlisted as a volunteer. It has been suggested that his brother, Hervé, also suffered from syphilis and the disease may have been congenital. In his later years he developed a constant desire for solitude, an obsession for self-preservation, and a fear of death and paranoia of persecution caused by the syphilis he had contracted in his youth. Maupassant also wrote under several pseudonyms such as Joseph Prunier, Guy de Valmont, and Maufrigneuse (which he used from 1881 to 1885). [9] Finding the place to be unbearable, he finally got himself expelled in his next-to-last year. Isaac Babel wrote a short story about him, “Guy de Maupassant.” It appears in The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel and in the story anthology You’ve Got To Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe. Sua obra é conhecida por retratar situações psicológicas e fazer crítica social com técnica naturalista.Maupassant teve uma infância e uma juventude aparentemente felizes no campo, em companhia da mãe, uma mulher culta e depressiva, que foi abandonada pelo marido.Na década de 1870, ele se dirigiu a Paris, onde se firmou como contista e teve contato com os grandes escritores realistas e naturalistas da época: Zola, Flaubert e o russo Turguêniev.Entre 1875 e 1885, produziu a maior parte de seus romances e contos. He is not a naturalist like Zola; to him, physiological processes do not constitute the basis of human actions, although the influence of the environment is manifested in his prose. He traveled extensively in Algeria, Italy, England, Brittany, Sicily, Auvergne, and from each voyage brought back a new volume. This life did not prevent him from making friends among the literary celebrities of his day: Alexandre Dumas, fils had a paternal affection for him; at Aix-les-Bains he met Hippolyte Taine and became devoted to the philosopher-historian. Pensador: colecione e compartilhe frases, poemas, mensagens e textos. Em 1870, Maupassant foi para Paris e lá se firmou como contista. Due to complaints from NBC executives, this part of the script was never filmed.[20]. He cruised on his private yacht Bel-Ami, named after his novel. Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) foi um escritor francês do século XIX, famoso por seus contos, mas também foi autor de vários romances. Escreveu pelo menos 300 histórias curtas, muitas das quais algumas se tornaram mundialmente conhecidas, como Bola de Sebo, O Colar, Uma Aventura Parisiense, Mademoiselle Fifi, Miss Harriett e O Horla.Maupassant talvez tenha sido, nos últimos anos do século XIX, o escritor mais lido no mundo.Rico e famoso, ele teve muitos casos amorosos, mas a sífilis o atormentou por mais de uma década, ocasionando-lhe pesadelos, angústia e de alucinações.Em 1892, Guy de Maupassant tentou o suicídio. Friedrich Nietzsche's autobiography mentions him in the following text: "I cannot at all conceive in which century of history one could haul together such inquisitive and at the same time delicate psychologists as one can in contemporary Paris: I can name as a sample – for their number is by no means small, ... or to pick out one of the stronger race, a genuine Latin to whom I am particularly attached, Guy de Maupassant.".

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