Heartworm is not a zoonotic problem, so no legislature is going to create a law for something like this. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on January 30, 2019: Hi Shirley, yes, Revolution is effective. I think the best thing to do is spend a little on sheep drench (ivermectin) and give it year round. I am going to read your article about teeth brushing next since my guy has some issues. I purchased a syringe without needle that will deliver that dose so don't worry about my middle aged eyesight tripping me up when my first purchase of sheep drench arrives this week! I am concerned regarding giving heartworm prevention to such small dogs. If you are consistent with you giving your dog heart worm prevention, ask you veterinarian if you can do a heart worm test every 3 years, most are willing. Your dog’s heartworm meds probably cost from $5 to $20 per month, depending on his size. Ivermectin has been used since the 1980s, and is safe at the doses listed above. My vet wants to do a heartworm test. If you choose not to go in for a heartworm test each year, do not forget about your dog's teeth. Thank goodness I do not need to rely on the poor services provided by you and your business. We will be following your advice on some of the fixes for our dogs. There is also an issue of compliance, owners may have purchased the heart worm prevention but that doesn't mean they are giving it correctly. Of course hw likely won't happen on prevention, but there are a lot of "what ifs". Answer: Do you mean give a preventative? I have four Chihuahuas, and recently moved to the East Coast (where I've been advised to use a heartworm preventative) from Los Angeles (where heartworm wasn't an issue at all). Any drug can be fatal if given in the wrong amount. I am sure you can see the danger in that. I believe everything you say, but of course I am concerned about the safety of buying these pills for my dogs. I can only guess because, to my knowledge, nobody has tested heartworm meds for more than a few weeks. Once they develop into adult heartworms, however, it’s dangerous to use those meds to treat your dogs. Friends are the gift of God and the most important part of life. So if all of the heartworms are of the same sex, or if the dog is taking preventives, then those little guys can’t reproduce and cause much of an issue. Post-approval experience included the above plus pruritis, urticaria, erythema, ataxia, fever, and rare reports of death and seizures in dogs. Your cost would be $90 (actually, it would be less as you would only need two tests in that area).

Have you heard anything like that? Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects dogs, cats, and up to 30 other species of animals. Immunologist HH Fundenberg says if your dog receives just one monovalent vaccine, his cell-mediated immunity will be cut in half … and just two vaccines will lower it by 70%. It takes about six months from the time is bitten by a positive mosquito until there are adult heartworms in the heart. I don't disbelieve you, but I like to check out facts before making major changes affecting my pets' or family's health and it would save us a LOT of time if you already had the info referenced at the bottom of your articles. Although, animal rights is extensively promoted here and responsible pet ownership as well, still, the scenario on pet health care is not fully implemented yet. Be advised; there are NO OTHER OPTIONS for home heartworm testing to be found in the U.S. or Canada. (Which is why the companies that sell heartworm preventative will guarantee their product.). It is quite safe even at those levels.

That being said, no one can guarantee your dogs will not become infected with the resistant strain since you live down south. Let me know if I can be of any other assistance, but you should really read the Auburn info on the internet about this too. But there it is, nonetheless, shoved into a little corner and never mentioned again: “Host immune responses affect the presence of circulating microfilariae.“.

While vaccines can protect your dog from infectious disease, they come at a cost. It’s no wonder vets worry about heartworm. That’s why your vet wants you to give your dog heartworm meds every month. Reports vomiting, depression/lethargy, pruritus, urticaria, diarrhea, anorexia, skin congestion, ataxia, convulsions, hypersalivation and weakness. Yes, this comment applies to Michigan too. In a nutshell, this means that dogs with functional immune systems aren’t good hosts for heartworms and other parasites. An important issue here is owner compliance.

Interesting hub. Also, if you choose to purchase your own ivermectin and make your own solution, ivermectin does not mix with water, necessitating an alternate diluent, such as propylene glycol.

Medicine is more of a rule OUT things until you're left with the only outcome.

I do not vaccinate yearly because adult dogs have long term immunity after being vaccinated. Gail Louise Stevenson from Mason City on January 08, 2013: Heartworm is a terrible disease. Yes, I did have him tested for sensitivity a few years ago. I put the doses in my article "heartworm prevention for less than 10 dollars a year"; it is so cheap that it is easy to keep a dog on year-round and never worry about this disease.

(One of my professors recommended diluting that tiny dose with sterile water and then putting it onto a biscuit before giving it to the dog—that way, you are sure he is going to consume the medication). The most common symptom is coughing because of fluid buildup in the lungs, but it is also common to see swelling in the legs and edema in other parts of the body. Thanks for the information. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 22, 2019: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC48209... and if you are interested here is another Auburn study that is very interesting: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC56884... As for your other comment: I cannot see the use of another test at this time for your dog. I hope you’re following me. Question: If a dog dies because of heartworm diseases what will it look like? Answer: Heartworms will not become resistant because you missed a few months. If you do own a lot of dogs and want to use the ivermectin available in feed stores, I have to warn you that it is concentrated for use in cattle and a dog dose for heartworm prevention is very low. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 08, 2014: Health Reports--your dogs are probably totally safe in Georgia, because as far as I know the resistant strain has only been found there one time. It weakens their immune system … and makes them more susceptible to all the other diseases out there. I am thankful and this is great info. or you simply want to re-evalutate your pets infection conveniently - later on, How do you immediately save $$$ ? Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Testing is available through the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Of course, they cannot. Are you really selling tests at cost? Question: My 4 year old Chihuahua has never been tested or treated for heart worms. My last vet tried to insist on a test before selling me the Heartgaurd. Rebecca Mealey from Northeastern Georgia, USA on June 10, 2012: Thanks so much for that website for the heart worm meds w/o a prescription.This is so useful for so many people, including me. Prevention is simple and inexpensive, and untreated cases are terrible to observe.

And the treatment is costly and really rough on your dog. See national average costs for Vet heartworm testing at the lower part of this page.. or you want to challenge the integrity of your Vet. According to the Heartworm society, yes. In reading your article posted above, I note only reference to oral or injectable products. I didn't bother reading the entire post, however I just feel it's obvious when a non medical person posts these types of things. My vet at the time did not test on an annual basis. Look at that quote again. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on July 02, 2018: According to the sales rep from the companies that sell the heartworm preventative, it is not a good idea to cut the pill in half because the medication is distributed unevenly. Testing every year when Ivermectin has been given on the same day of the month for the past 12 months is silly, and illogical: 12 doses dispensed after the last test didn't hurt the dog, but the next dose might?

If they cannot afford yearly testing, they probably can afford to buy heartworm preventative from an online pharmacy,or maybe ivermectin sheep drench, which does not need to be diluted and can treat many dogs for less than a box of heartworm tablets. Ireno Alcala from Bicol, Philippines on May 16, 2012: Here in the Philippines, the military officials with the help of health department administer such kind of dog treatment. Dogs with a case of heartworm disease start out with mild symptoms like coughing and exercise intolerance but later develop full-blown heart disease (cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure, with swelling in the limbs, fluid buildup in the lungs, and reluctance to move as the dog becomes quickly exhausted).

(Treatment is for dogs that are already infected with heartworm.)

Prevention for a HW positive dog is not a recommended course of treatment without concurrent use of doxycycline or similar. Of course, these dogs can be given heartworm preventatives that do not utilize ivermectin (Revolution (selamectin) and Advantage multi (moxidectin) are both topical, so they treat fleas as well as preventing heartworm disease). Question: Is annual heartworm testing mandatory to purchase heartworm meds? As far as a heartworm test, it is a good idea to get your dog tested as soon as possible. We know the immune system is responsible for protecting our dogs from heartworm and other parasites. The mosquito larvae (microfilaria) are killed by the immune system before they develop into adult heartworms. But it does allow you to replace those dangerous meds with well-timed testing! Aluminum is neurotoxic and can cause degeneration of the brain and nervous system … especially in young dogs. Testing for Adult Worms: The American Heartworm Society recommends using the Heartworm Antigen Test as the primary method of testing for adult heartworm infection. Testing is too. There is not a huge change of being infected with heartworm, but the testing also tests for tick born diseases as well - lyme, erlichia and others. I looks very professional. Amazon has removed the last available home heartworm test kit that was originally advocated here at my site. I missed a few months of treatment, and his vet said it’s too dangerous to refill without testing. Several of the sites I found on a web search made the sort of recommendation we always gave in small animal practice: Dogs were required to be tested each year before their heartworm medication could be refilled. That’s absolutely true. Thanks very much. If there are any mosquitoes in your area it is theoretically possible, although it may be unlikely. And he also knew that giving dogs neurotoxic drugs every month would harm that immune system.

We had a client recently who admitted they gave it once years ago, it didn't work, so they haven't given it since. By saying if you're on prevention therefore your dog doesn't need a test is not in the vein of good medicine. He turned up heartworm positive. If you really did have your dog on year round preventative he would not be dead, since that is the slow kill method of preventing a buildup of adult worms in the heart. Thanks!

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