This course will benefit bo, Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): It will focus on conjunctions, partitives, quantifiers, mass nouns, noun incorporation, empathic pronouns, additive focus, restrictive focus, intensifiers, comparative, superlative and adverbs of time. Our Native American Studies staff is working with classroom teachers and other school staff to label objects throughout the school, further incorporating the Lakota language within the school environment. Red's Events Widget automatically displays your blog category's 5 latest post on the "red" page layout in a calendar format. This one credit course provides a comprehensive coverage of Lakota inflectional morphology and in doing so it equips the students with thorough knowledge of Lakota verb conjugation. Each school morning also begins with prayer, singing of the Flag Song, weather announcements and the “Phrase of the Week” — all in Lakota. Our Native American studies teachers encourage our male students to learn the Lakota language through drum group. Boys and girls are led in their Native American Studies programs by enrolled tribal members. New Lakota D, Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): In 2018, the tribal council honored her for her vital support of Lakota language revitalization. The Lakota Summer Institute is the premier Lakota and Dakota language teacher professional development event in the country. It focuses primarily on Lakota 1st dative and 2nd dative verbs, possessive verbs and verbs with indefinite object marker. Lakota Summer Institute North This year’s LSI North will be held online! BloomingtoContinue reading LG 102 Lakota Grammar for Beginners – II Course Description (Waúŋspe Oyákapi): Required Text and Materials Join a vibrant, thriving community of Lakota teachers, learners and activists to see how Lakota language can change your life! The course will build on the foundations of LakC 101, LakC 102 and LakC 103 and it will continue to develop the students’ oral communication proficiency through highly interactive teaching activities. Add to cart. This course is designed for second language learners of Lakota who are at a beginner level. The Lakota Studies Department plays a support role in all other University Academic Programs since Lakota Language and Lakota History and Culture are core required courses. Add to cart. This course is the second of a three-course continuum and is designed for second language learners of Lakota at the pre-intermediate level. The first Annual Lakota Summer Institute took place in 2007. For the past year, our Native American Studies teachers have periodically hosted Lakȟólʼiyapi Wóglaka — Speak Lakota — an opportunity for St. Joseph’s staff to learn the Lakota language. Aŋpetu de caŋte waŝteya iyuha nape ciyuzapi do. This course will benefit both second language learners, CL 101 Communicative Lakota for Beginners – I, CL 102 Communicative Lakota for Beginners – II, CL 201 Communicative Lakota for Pre-intermediate Level – I, CL 202 Communicative Lakota for Pre-intermediate Level – II, LG 201 Lakota Grammar for Pre-intermediate Level – I, LG 202 Lakota Grammar for Pre-intermediate Level – II. Each Friday, tickets acquired throughout the week are entered into a drawing for prizes. Although the course relies more heavily on instruction in order to cover the extensive material, it also offers a reasonable amount of oral practice so that students can enhance their ability to conjugate verbs in communicative situations. St. Joseph’s recognizes and understands the importance of the Lakota language to the culture of the Native American children we serve. Additionally, the course offers an introduction to using self-study materials, such as a dictionary, grammar book and learning apps. Although the course relies more heavily on instruction in order to cover the extensive material, it also offers a reasonable amount of oral practice so that students can enhance their ability to conjugate verbs in communicative situations. Dakota Language Keyboard – Mac $ 0.00. Required Text and Materials: Since 2007, over 150 teachers from more than eight reservations and six states have participated. This one credit course provides an introductory level coverage of three areas of Lakota grammar: (1) Lakota alphabet, phonemic inventory and pronunciation, (2) conjugation of Lakota verbs (inflectional morphology), and (3) sentence structure (syntax). Dr. Canku, whose first language is Dakota, and Sandee Geshick, an elder in the Lower Sioux Community, read the Dakota words on this website. Delores … Among other things, students will be introduced to pronunciation, forming questions, negation, demonstratives, numbers, some basic body parts, immediate family kinship terms, most frequent verbs, b, Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): More than 100 titles have been released for the Lakota Language. New Lakota, Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): In St. Joseph’s residential homes, Lakota language posters and commonly used phrases are posted to encourage our students and houseparents to interact in Lakota. Through this Lakota language class, our staff become better equipped to incorporate the Lakota language into their daily conversations. Level 1 Audio CD LSI also welcomes students of the language, enthusiastic and anxious to test and expand their knowledge of the language. This one credit course provides a comprehensive coverage of Lakota inflectional morphology and in doing so it equips the students with thorough knowledge of Lakota verb conjugation. At St. Joseph’s, children in grades one through eight attend a regular Native American Studies class where they learn the Lakota language, as well as their cultural traditions and proud heritage. A greeting from Clifford Canku Clifford Canku. Hau mitakuyepi. Boys and girls are led in their Native American Studies programs by enro… SGU is Accredited by The Higher Learning Commission, Mailing Address: Po Box 105/Mission, SD/57555. This one credit course provides an introductory level coverage of three areas of Lakota grammar: (1) Lakota alphabet, phonemic inventory and pronunciation, (2) conjugation of Lakota verbs (inflectional morphology), and (3) sentence structure (syntax). LG 101 Lakota Grammar for Beginners – I Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): Delores was crucial to founding the Lakota Summer Institute at Sitting Bull College. Home » Native American Youth Programs » Lakota Language. Today, the average Lakota speaker is 65 years old. Lakota Grammar Handbook. Recent linguistic surveys and anecdotal evidence reveal that there are only 2,000 first-language Lakota speakers remaining, on and around the reservations of North Dakota and South Dakota. Additionally, students will learn how to combine subject and object affixes within verbs. Black Bear, Ben, Jr. and Ullrich, J. Lakota Communicative Courses CL 101 Communicative Lakota for Beginners – I Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): This course is designed for second language learners of Lakota who are at a beginner level. – Speak Dakota! For more information, … Level 2 Dakhóta Iá Wóhdaka Po! Our houseparents and students enjoy this process. Speak Dakota Textbook $ 39.99. Bloomingto, Course Description (Waúŋspe Oyákapi): St. Joseph’s Indian School, an apostolate of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, partners with Native American children and families to educate for life — mind, body, heart and spirit. Many teachers and students refer to LSI as a “boot camp” for Lakota language. Our Native American Studies teachers work hard to preserve the Lakota language and traditions. Required Text and Materials: (2016). It is part one of a three course continuum. Each week’s phrase is chosen specifically for meaningfulness and usability in daily life. Dakota caze maqupi Mato Watakpe emakiyapi do. After this course, students will be able to identify Lakota personal affixes, conjugation classes and their subtypes, and they will know how to determine the conjugation of any Lakota verb. To encourage the use of Lakota language throughout the day, students receive a ticket if they are able to use a Lakota word/phrase in correct context during the school day. This course will benefit both second language learnersContinue reading, Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): In 2014, the Crow Language Consortium was founded and a Crow Level 1 Textbook and Audio CD was released. Lakota Grammar Handbook. Black Bear, Ben, Jr. and Ullrich, J. St. Joseph’s Indian School is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. This one credit course provides an intermediate coverage of Lakota grammar. This is a very unique and powerful dynamic provided by the Lakota Studies Department. Although the course relies more heavily on instruction in order to cover the extensive material, it also offers a reasonable amount of oral practice so that students can enhance their ability to conjugate verbs in communicative situations. Lakota Grammar Handbook. In 2015, St. Joseph’s Indian School joined forces with the Lakota Language Consortiumto help save the Lakota language and preserve this rich culture for generations to come. [The Lakota language] is dangerously close to extinction. This one credit course builds on LG 102 and provides coverage of Lakota morphology at a pre-intermediate to intermediate level. Students will learn how to use stative verbs with relative clauses to describe people, anim, Course Description (Wóuŋspe Oyákapi): Learn more about our other Native American Youth Programs. Lakota Grammar Handbook. (2016). Black Bear, Ben, Jr. and Ullrich, J. (2016). This one credit course builds on LG 102 and provides coverage of Lakota morphology at a pre-intermediate to intermediate level. It focuses primarily on Lakota 1st dative and 2nd dative verbs, possessive verbs and verbs with indefinite object marker. In 2015, St. Joseph’s Indian School joined forces with the Lakota Language Consortium to help save the Lakota language and preserve this rich culture for generations to come. This course will teach students the most immediately needed phrases, expressions and sentence patterns, all introduced through highly communicative, interactive methods without focusing on grammar explanations. Add to cart. To change the navigation icons, simply go to,, – Level 1 Speak Dakota Textbook $ 39.99. To activate, simply copy and paste the URL of your blog into the input box below (e.g., Black Bear, Ben, Jr. and Ullrich, J. After this course, students will be able to identify Lakota personal affixes, conjugation classes and their subtypes, and they will know how to determine the conjugation of any Lakota verb. Bloomington, Indiana: Lakota Language Consortium. Dakota Language Keyboard – Windows $ 0.00. Red's Automation Setup activates Red's News and Events widgets on the "red" page layout. This one credit course provides an intermediate coverage of Lakota grammar. Bloomington, Indiana: Lakota Language Consortium. The course will build on the foundations of LakC 101, LakC 102 and LakC 103 and it will continue to develop the students’ oral communication proficiency through highly interactive teaching activities.

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