And when we do play or compete with others, we should focus on improving ourselves and maximizing our own power, not defeating our opponents or exposing their weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Thus, we remain low and grounded. The virtue of love is important to marriage in Lakota culture. People with this character trait truly care about truth and here we want to repeat Parker Palmer's definition of truth as being a "conversation about things that matter conducted with passion and discipline." We often use the term “competing against others,” when we should think of it more as enjoying the spirit of play and competing with others. 6) Wawoktugan - "Practice forgiveness." Each chapter begins with a tale from Lakota lore that is about a character who demonstrates a respective virtue. A ritual called the Sun Dance was where the Lakota people would pierce their skin with hooks and lean back in the sun for hours. In Christianity it may be seen as slaughtering a pure calf in repentance of one's sins. 2) Waunsila - "Walk with compassion for your relatives." These are the different principles that the Lakota people live by in everyday life. Honesty is about being trustworthy. Pray alone. The passion is about sincerity and the discipline relates to the five inner skills in the conceptual model. We cannot feel any arrogance over nature and its creatures. Fortitude requires the willingness to suffer some, if necessary, to do what is right, good or healthful in the long haul. Simple & science backed health tips, product & service reviews. Crossroads Elementary Science + Montessori Schools, Dayton's Bluff Achievement Plus Elementary, John A. Johnson Achievement Plus Elementary, Johnson Aerospace & Engineering High School,, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). She felt betrayed and replaced, so with her baby strapped to her back in a cradle board, she left the village in search of her cousin’s tribe, hopeful that they would take her in. Generosity is one of the most obvious virtues among American Indians. The Lakota virtues are Humility, Perseverance, Respect, Honor, Love, Sacrifice, Truth, Compassion, Bravery, Fortitude, Generosity, and Wisdom. I was wondering if anyone could share a translation of the song at the end and any other information about it? You can show love by just flat out saying it or being around that person all the time or whenever you can and care for them. Red Shawl lived a long life and would constantly give praise to the gods that lived in the clouds for sparing her son during the flood. The origins of the word, "integer," are about "oneness." E-mail: [email protected], List IV - Author: Sinte Gleska University, Rosebud, SD. To us, humility is not about humiliation, self-abasement, penitence for sin or being unworthy in the sight of God, according to our interpretation. Being that there are 12 of them, I decided that in 2014 I would take one month to reflect on each one and what it means for me. After a few days of searching for her baby her prayers were finally answered and she fed her famished baby. Those unadulterated too much by western culture's emphasis on material wealth still do. The Book of Tao talks of the virtue if ‘non-competition’, saying about the best athletes: “Not that they don’t love to compete, but they do it in the spirit of play. It relates to enduring until the goal is reached. It hurt a lot, but it showed the utmost sacrifice. ". There is such a subtle difference in the two words, and yet their connotations are contrary to one another: humility is to feel HONOR in the beauty and frailty of being human, and humiliation is feeling SHAME in being human. The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak. So, if humility is a virtue that we strive for, and humiliation is the act of imposing humility upon another, then it would stand to reason that humiliation would be a desired state. Humility, as we are defining it, is a freedom from pride and arrogance that recognizes equity and equality. Courage is the quality of mind that enables us to risk what we value for a higher purpose.Wóowotȟaŋla - Integrity: We use this word to describe what one has when one firmly adheres to and identifies with the virtues for the right reasons and when no one is looking. We can only listen and pay true attention to something when we let go of our preconceptions. Essential to balance and happiness, there are 12 Lakota Virtues that were a part of everyday life for our Native American ancestors. We cannot feel any arrogance over nature and its creatures. Wisdom – Only after one has learned about life and is able to act on all the other virtues, can one be considered wise. ", Wowacintanka "To persist, to strive in spite of difficulties. The Lakota … 1. Red Shawl, however, was still jealous that her loving husband would dare to even think of taking another bride. Personally, I experience humility as a natural result of recognizing the humanness in myself and others. 23-25 Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. This sharing is not just of objects and possessions, but of emotions like sympathy, compassion, kindness. A person with this trait has a good balance between taking care of self and taking care of others. Integrity is a synonym for "good character," except that good character also, by our definition, calls for the following trait (peacefulness) as well.Wówičakȟe - Honesty: An honest person, in our opinion, does what he or she says. Pelameyao. These values are needed now more than ever. Courage or bravery was defined by Lakota educator, Pat Locke, as the "strength of character which equips us to meet danger and trouble, to live our values, and to tell the truth in the face of ignorance." He dedicates a chapter to each of these virtues, which are at the foundation of Lakota culture. In Lakota culture there are many things that they do to show sacrifice. The story of the Eagle was a story that represented the virtue, compassion. Courage is the quality of mind that enables us to risk what we value for a higher purpose. :) Thank you for the video! Fortitude requires the willingness to suffer some, if necessary, to do what is right, good or healthful in the long haul. All Rights Reserved. I don’t mean low in a subservient way, but rather signifying close to the Earth, our Source (insert your preferred nomenclature here: God, Divine, etc.). Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And yet, being humiliated is a condition that we avoid at all costs. Sacrifice can be made in every day lives, too. I think it is possible to be competitive and still have humility. Hello! This is about sticking to something that is worthwhile. You can even serenade them like in the story of the heart broken man who lost his love to another man and was to be wed very soon so he became depressed and learned how to play the flute and when he did it attracted many women to the side of the river where he was playing at and then he found that the woman he loved did not marry the man she was going to. The most major conflict in the story was just the eagle deciding wheither or not he should change for her sake which he does end up doing. ( Log Out /  The 12 Lakota Virtues I recently read a book by John Marshall called “The Lakota Way”, which describes the 12 virtues that are considered crucial to Lakota way of life. If we acknowledge and honor both the brilliance and imperfectness of everyone and everything, it precludes us from feeling any superiority. People try and be honest and truthful but not all people can and they do get what the deserve for that. Lakota Virtue . 1. 1. To us, humility is not about humiliation, self-abasement, penitence for sin or being unworthy in the sight of God, according to our interpretation. The eagle goes and brings her food and water which she needs to survive and she gets better.Time passes and the eagle is confronted by his grandfather who tells him that there is a better way of helping the girl. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy - and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance. Wopila! Pray often. "That is compassion, simply and profoundly: the sharing of someone else's dilemma, pain, or loss-caring enough to take some of the burden of provide relief so that the aggrieved or injured person does not have to bear it alone." The origins of the word, "integer," are about "oneness." 2) Wowaunsila, "Pity, Compassion." Saint Paul Public School Parent Information, Principal/School Name | 360 Colborne Street, Saint Paul, MN, 55102, Peace Makers(Formerly WEB - Where Everyone Belongs). Honesty is about being trustworthy. When people have this character trait, they do not allow the easy way out or an emphasis on convenience to overshadow these things.Wóohitike - Courage/Bravery: Courage or bravery was defined by Lakota educator, Pat Locke, as the "strength of character which equips us to meet danger and trouble, to live our values, and to tell the truth in the face of ignorance." Pray often. The Lakota Titans Wikia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The eagle thinks about it for some time and ends up agreeing. Wao’hola. I don’t think so. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy - and greed stem from a lost soul. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. 4) Wowacintanka, "Patience and Tolerance." 2. St Joseph's Indian School, Chamberlain, South Dakota 57326 ( Log Out /  Red Shawl’s husband was to marry another, younger, orphaned bride, to take the burden off her grandparents. List V - Author: David Little Elk, Mnicojou Lakota; also adopted by the Native American Church of South Dakota, Inc. The definition for Compassion is to have sympathetic concern or pity for someone in unfortunate situations. ", Wayuonihan "To have integrity, to have an honest and upright character. These stories transmit the virtues of Lakota culture, including humility, perseverance, respect, honor, love, sacrifice, truth, compassion, bravery, fortitude, generosity, and wisdom. Truth is one thing that we all need without truth there is no way for us to understand and respect ourselves and others. One way to think of it is as the opposite of greed or selfishness. ", Cantewasake - "Strength of heart and mind. Lakota people actually measured their worth by how much they gave away. Four Lakota Values Wacantognaka, the Lakota word for generosity, means to contribute to the well-being of one's people and all life by sharing and giving freely. A person could sacrifice their seat on a bus for someone whom is much older than they are. After much traveling, a storm hit, carrying a flash flood their way. From the book "Lakota Life", by Ron Zeilinger, The values include Praying, Respect, Caring and Compassion, Honesty and Truth, Generosity and Caring, Humility, and Wisdom. These are the different principles that the Lakota people live by in everyday life., Webmaster: Ken Kalloch Integrity is acting on the awareness of spirituality. ", Cantognake "To place and hold in one's heart. Woc’ekiya. We use this word to describe what one has when one firmly adheres to and identifies with the virtues for the right reasons and when no one is looking. Change ). All rights reserved. Wówačhaŋtognake - Generosity: Generosity is one of the most obvious virtues among American Indians. The story is about a girl whos village gets swept away by a flood and she ends up being the last of her kind. Important to all Native American tribes, honesty is integral to their way of life. It is manifested by a great appreciation for the many gifts life and God have to offer us. Second Edition, Second Printing, 1994. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Sacrifice can come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. The D/Lakota Virtues. Realizing her foolishness, Red Shawl made her way back to her village and was welcomed back by her husband. In this they are like children and in harmony with the Tao.”. a coach's personal journey of physical & spiritual growth. It also means to be generous with one's personal time. pp. Red Shawl was washed downstream and her baby was left perched in the crook of a tree. ", Icicupi "To give of one's self, an offering.

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