Feeds by dipping head and neck in water. In general, they are plump (although they vary in size) and have broad, relatively short wings. Order: Charadriiformes Family: Haematopodidae. Dynamic soaring, glides for hours. Larks are small terrestrial birds with often extravagant songs and display flights. Sexes are similar. Palm Warbler: Medium warbler with olive-brown upperparts and yellow underparts streaked with brown. Eyebrows are thick and vary from pale yellow to white. Sexes are similar. Head has blue-gray hood, white spectacles, and white throat. Tail is black with white edges. These birds are notable for their vocalization, especially their remarkable ability to mimic a wide variety of birds and other sounds heard outdoors. The American robin is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Hooded Oriole: Medium oriole with bright orange-yellow head and nape, and black back, face, throat, and upper breast. Hooded Warbler: Medium warbler, olive-green upperparts, bright yellow underparts. Black bill has creamy pink base on lower mandible. Scolopacidae is a large diverse family of small to medium-sized shorebirds including the sandpipers, curlews, godwits, shanks, tattlers, woodcocks, snipes, dowitchers and phalaropes. Legs and feet are black. Their legs are feathered down to the toes. It looks like a Robin but larger and finer, it does not settle on the bird feeders but flaps it's wings rather like a humming bird, and the only other markings are a couple of white underfeathers on it's tail feathers. Feeds on fish by plunge diving and scooping them up with pouch. Auks live on the open sea, only deliberately coming ashore to nest. Feeds on marine invertebrates, insects, fish, fruits, seeds, carrion, refuse, eggs of seabirds. They are gregarious and often colonial seed eaters with short thick but pointed bills. Barn Owls feed on voles, frogs and insects, but are economically valuable birds as they also prey on animal pests like rats, shrews, moles and mice. Eyes are dark. Common Gallinule: Medium, chicken-like marsh bird with gray-brown back and slate-gray head, neck, breast, and belly. Worm-eating Warbler: Medium-sized, ground nesting warbler with olive-gray upperparts and pale yellow underparts. Northwestern Crow: Fairly small crow , black overall with dark, stout bill, iridescent violet gloss on body, and blue-black wings. Nuthatches have big heads, short tails and powerful bills and feet. The wings are short and rounded. Tail is green with black outer tail feathers. Flies with loose angled wings. Direct and hovering flight with very rapid wing beats. Gill, F. and D. Donsker (Eds). Upperparts cryptically colored with brown and yellow-brown streaks of many different shades. It plunge dives from 40 feet for small squid and flying fish. Feeds on aquatic plants collected from bottom. The buttonquail are small, drab, running birds which resemble the true quails. Wings are dark with two white bars. Spotted Redshank: Large sandpiper, mostly black body in summer except for white rump, white spots on wings, barred tail. They are strong fliers and despite their size and weight, very capable soarers. The species in the family vary widely in size, shape, behavior and coloration. Eats mollusks, insects, larvae, worms and seeds. Laughing Gull: This medium-sized gull has a gray back, white underparts and neck, a black hood and red bill. They have long strong legs with powerful talons. Alternates rapid wing beats with a glide. White underwings contrast with dark brown body in flight. Greater Scaup: This large diving duck has a glossy green-black head, white sides and belly, black tail, neck and breast, barred gray flanks and back. Order: Passeriformes Family: Passerellidae. The tail is black with white on outer tail feathers. Sexes are similar. Yellow-tipped red bill is short with red frontal plate extending onto forehead. Hovers briefly above prey before dipping down to sieze it. The blue-gray bill is long and stout. Thin white stripes on dark wings visible in flight. The head and nape have a golden-yellow cast, white wings have black edges and tips, and the tail is white with black fringe. Forages in brush and on ground. Flies in straight line or V formation. They are named for their bobbing or dipping movements. Swift, strong direct flight with rapid wing beats, holds tail folded in a V shape while flying. Rose-breasted Grosbeak: Large finch, black head, back, bright red breast, and white rump, sides, belly. Black-billed Cuckoo: Medium cuckoo with brown upperparts, white underparts. It has a direct flight with rapid wing beats. Brown tail has white edges and undertail coverts. Gleans from bushes, weeds and trees. Curved neck is often stained with pigments from iron or algae. Wings have prominent white patches. Thick-billed Murre: Medium-sized seabird with black upperparts, head and neck, and white underparts. Legs and feet are black. Glossy Ibis: Medium wading bird, iridescent bronze and red-brown overall with thin band of white feathers around bare dark blue face and long, down curved, gray bill. Fast flight on shallow, rapid wing beats. Feeds higher on the beach than other plovers. It has a direct flight with steady quick wing beats. In the Bohemian and cedar waxwings, these tips look like sealing wax and give the group its name. Wings are olive-green with very faint wing-bars. Blue Jay: Medium, noisy jay with bright blue upperparts, pale gray underparts, distinct head crest, and neck surrounded with a curious black necklace. Phalacrocoracidae is a family of medium to large coastal, fish-eating seabirds that includes cormorants and shags. Leaf warblers are a family of small insectivorous birds found mostly in Eurasia and ranging into Wallacea and Africa. Most members of this family are insectivores. In the early 1900s, its range began to expand north, forcing the Veery and Hermit thrushes to find another habitat. They nest on the ground in temperate and arctic regions and are long-distance migrants. Neck has bold black and white stripes on sides and green or purple throat bar that may be difficult to see. Shrikes are passerine birds known for their habit of catching other birds and small animals and impaling the uneaten portions of their bodies on thorns. Wings are black with white markings, and tail is long and black with white corners. Order: Passeriformes Family: Prunellidae. Wings are dark with two white bars. The males have colored inflatable throat pouches. Scott's Oriole: Medium-sized oriole with black hood extending onto breast and back. Red crown, black-and-white striped face, neck. The wings are dark with two white or pale yellow bars. Brown wings have two white bars. The New World sparrows (or American sparrows) are a large family of seed-eating passerine birds with distinctively finch-like bills. Bouyant fluttering flight with shallow wing beats. Legs and feet are pink. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher: Medium flycatcher with pale gray upperparts and head, white underparts and throat, salmon-pink sides and flanks, and dark brown wings with white edges. Legs and feet are gray. Wings are long, slim, and straight. The avocets have long legs and long up-curved bills. Eats fly larvae, beetles, crustaceans and marine worms. Red-headed Woodpecker: Medium-sized woodpecker with black upperparts and tail, and white underparts and rump. Wings are black with two white bars. It is the only entirely red bird in North America. Rear crown patch is small and red. Name changed in 2017 from Le Conte's Sparrow to LeConte's Sparrow. Bill is black, legs and feet are pink. This surprises a lot of folks. It has a rufous crown, white eye ring and dark brown wings. Hovers and dips to pick up prey. Mexican Whip-poor-will: Medium-sized nightjar with brown-gray-black mottled upperparts and pale gray-brown underparts. Order: Charadriiformes Family: Charadriidae. Yellow-throated Warbler: Medium warbler with gray upperparts, yellow throat, chin, and upper breast, white underparts with black spots on sides. Throat is black; eyebrows and neckband are white. Old World flycatchers are a large group of small passerine birds native to the Old World. Order: Podicipediformes Family: Podicipedidae. Bill, legs, and feet are black. Sexes are similar, but the female is larger. Order: Charadriiformes Family: Scolopacidae. The eyes are yellow and the bill is dark gray with a black tip. Flies in straight line formation with neck and legs outstretched, roosts high in trees and bushes at night. They were considered to be the same species for some time; the western species, having been overlooked for some time, was given the species name neglecta. Bill is short and black. The Calcariidae are a group of passerine birds which had been traditionally grouped with the New World sparrows, but differ in a number of respects and are usually found in open grassy areas. Dark decurved bill. Plunge dives for fish from 50 feet above shallow water. It has a slow flight with deep wing beats and soars on updrafts. Mountain Plover: Medium-sized plover with pale brown upperparts, white underparts, and brown sides. Most species have black as a predominant plumage color, often enlivened by yellow, orange or red. The flight is fluttering and sometimes bat-like. Anatidae includes the ducks and most duck-like waterfowl, such as geese and swans. Order: Procellariiformes Family: Hydrobatidae. Feeds on seeds and insects. Order: Psittaciformes Family: Psittacidae. Their nests can be large and may be reused for many years. Wood Sandpiper: Small wader with green-yellow legs. Black wings have two white bars. Head has black hood, and yellow face. Sexes are similar. Head has a strange, smiling orange bill, quail-like crest, bright yellow-white eyes and white eye plumes. Spotted Redshank: Large sandpiper, mostly black body in summer except for white rump, white spots on wings, barred tail. Streaked head has white eyebrows. A thin, white stripe extends from bill to cheek. High soaring flight. Red bill. They are not related to the New World orioles. Bill is large, conical, and bright orange-red. Pomarine Jaeger: The dar morph of this large jaeger is dark brown except for white patches near underwing tips and sides of under tail. Eats insects, caterpillars, and nectar. Forages on ground. Soars on thermals. Ovenbird: Medium, ground walking warbler, olive-brown upperparts, heavily spotted white underparts. Black wings with two white bars. Order: Procellariiformes Family: Oceanitidae. Secretive. Makes short, direct flights on rapidly beating wings. Bar-tailed Godwit: This large shorebird has a long upcurved bill, scaled brown, black and gray mottled upperparts and pale red-brown underparts. Often cocks its tail high above its back as it feeds. The laughingthrushes are somewhat diverse in size and colouration, but are characterised by soft fluffy plumage.
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