[taking another cigarette from her pack and pulling out her lighter]  For your silly hair... and your clothes... and your "self-important autobiography that's only published 'cause his family owns a bloody publishing house!". Lord Longford Lord Longford If she is this guilty, why did you insist on her innocence at the trial? He feels, and if i'm honest i'd agree with him, that the campaign you have conducted on my behalf has hurt me, more than helped me, and that we should make this our last meeting.I see... Lord Longford Talk Show Host To nakonec vyplynulo i ze samotných slov lorda Longforda, když mluvil o důležitosti milovat člověka, ale ne zlo, které ten člověk páchá. : It's the sort of detail ye might want about your new girlfriend. [grins awkwardly and wags his head from side to side as if to dismiss the thought]  Lord Longford You really believe that, don't you? And in our day it was just the same. : : : Myra Hindley : Nic víc a nic míň zde opravdu nenajdete. Of course. I'm saying, that i'm going to give a full confessional to all five murders. Myra Hindley Suddenly a woman with jet-black hair stands up]. * Right, the time has just gone 2:15, the subject is saints, we're gonna take some calls. Nothing *like* so graphic or as available. | : Talk Show Host : : [they meet for the last time on a bench on her prison lawn. I think it's me you're looking for. You're through to Lord Longford. And then red for the sentencing. Lord Longford Lord Longford Then why don't you allow me to make representations to the Home Secretary on your behalf? They abolished it while we were on remand. Lord Longford : [resisting the idea]  Nearly, yes. Lord Longford Ale tím riskuje své jméno a svou pověst. Female Caller Oh, dear. : He was succeeded by his eldest son, the third Earl. Lord Longford Would He not have wanted to give the families that comfort? : Ian Brady The Interrogation of Tony Martin. Longford began visiting prisoners in the 1930s when he was a city councillor in Oxford, and continued to do so every week, all around the country, until shortly before his death in 2001. Documenting Lord Longford’s crusade to win parole for Moors murderess Myra Hindley. An hysteric is someone who gives to people, reflects back to them, that which they believe makes them most acceptable... most likable... what they think others want to see. [Lord Longford is agitated, speechless. The knight on his white charger... riding in to save the damsel... Ian Brady Company Credits [not really interested]  Lord Longford sat in the British House of Lords as one of the 28 original Irish Representative Peers. Ye know *exactly* what I'm talking about. : : My hunger strike is a legitimate protest against the filthy conditions here. If people think that makes me weak... or mad... so be it. Co se mě týká, já byla spokojená a výkon Jima Broadbenta byl velmi přesvědčivý. Myra Hindley : | Doporučujeme: překlady, reklama, Všeobecné podmínky užívání a ochrana osobních údajů. : Next caller, Lionel in Sevenoaks. [gazes at him with sadness in her eyes]  I just want to know how your *esteemed* guest can look himself in the mirror each morning? I asked you specifically if there was anything that you hadn't told me. Credit sequence rolls]. Certainly not! Your new solicitor...? : : : Lord Longford He died unmarried and was succeeded by his younger … : : Filmy podle skutečných událostí je téměř vždy velmi obtížné natočit tak, aby byly co nejvěrohodnější a zároveň diváka nenudily. If I wanted to set my cause back a decade or two... if I wanted to be denied all exercise... if I wanted to have them piss in my food, as well as spit in it... *then* I'd ask a batty old pornography campaigner, "Myra Hindley's Whipping Boy," to make representations on my behalf. Goodness, how well you look! Myra Hindley :

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