Lute is playable as a SpotPass character, released in the The Sacred Stones character set. ID: G2FbXc5Ot8, 2017/05/17(水) 20:59:07 She is however held back by her low bases and the high quality of most playable units in The Sacred Stones in comparison to the enemies making her contributions rather easily mimicked by units that need less investment. Care must be taken with her placement, as her durability in regards to avoid and defense are mediocre, only becoming more acceptable once she has either promoted or built up support bonuses. Not much is known about Lute's past, but in her A conversation with Ross, she states that her grandmother said that Lute's parents are "traveling in distant lands". Lute seems to speak about her grandmother as if she is still alive, implying that the two live together. Lute is a playable character in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Yes, I've read all about him.”, “You have nothing to worry about. クリフには劣るけど、アルム軍の魔導師としてはそこそこ耐久が効くから、盾持たせると事故死しにくくはあるな アルム編は移動力高いのが多いから、デューテの脆さ考えると1発受けても大丈夫なリュートもそれ程酷くはないし、錬磨でエクスカリバーが確実に当たるから安定はしてる感じ 計画例 アルム軍の問題児一号。かなり上がりにくい成長パターンを使うキャラなので、とにかく育成が大変。 「力・運・守」がかなり上がりにくく、これを14回上げるのは苦労させられる。手応えとしては1時間粘って平均1回程度と思われる。 計算式の都合上魔法の命中率に上限はあるが敵の魔法回避を無力化して額面通りの命中率が出せ、必殺率も誤差とは言えないレベルになる。使うならエクスカリバーで必殺を狙っていきたい。 ID: z75VVtYcK6, 2017/06/03(土) 00:41:32 At maximum investment, Lute will be outperformed by Summer Laegjarn and other five star exclusive tome fliers. ID: aeGoDDT7pC, 2017/07/06(木) 04:28:02 In addition, this allows her to make good use of Ploys, Sabotage skills, and her own Weirding Tome to assist her allies by making enemies easier to take down. Def/Res may be preferred should one wish to focus solely on maximizing Lute’s supportive capabilities. Luckily for her, because of the low quality of most enemies in The Sacred Stones, Lute can start doubling with some investment and dodge tank fairly reliably as well. ID: 5XIaDC7pSZ, 2017/06/04(日) 03:14:17 The two lived in the settlements at the place peacefully until the monsters started to appear. *spoilers* Creature Campaign, then Mage Knight is good. Should one find wish for arguably greater consistency, Chill Atk may be considered as it is always guaranteed to target at least one foe -- though perhaps not one that Lute would want to attack in the first place. ID: ERGLxVqtnW,, 推奨環境:Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera いずれかの最新版, 花江夏樹『鬼滅の刃』劇場版は「すごい化学反応起きた」 松岡禎丞も「これで声優人生が終わってもいい」と感無量, 知識って大事、、すぐ近くに消火器があるのに燃えた油にバケツで水を掛けてしまい大変なことに!, 「東京さくらトラム」命名3年半でも定着せず 「都電荒川線」前面に出す例も...「愛称を諦めた」?. This build requires her to be +10 for this to work, this set boosts her defense to a respectable level so that she isn't getting completely obliterated against distant counter foes because of how tiny her bulk is. There's no one better than me!”, (*) indicates a Hero that is currently only available as a Special Hero, (†) indicates a Hero that is obtained via Grand Hero Battles. Lute should most defiantly go Sage. また、妹のデュ―テは1-3マス魔法を覚えず射程が短いため、ここも差別化要素となる。, 2017/05/17(水) 02:59:12 Fire Emblem Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. +RES:Given that the majority of Lute’s functionality when equipped with Weirding Tome comes from her ability to consistently apply its debuff against opposing foes, a +RES IV makes for a strong choice as this weapon scales off of her visible Resistance stat. This build is primarily a player phase build however due to weirding tome and res ploy she is also capable of functioning as a debuffer. She may truly be a prodigy, and she asserts her superiority often. For all her studies, she does have a great lack of knowledge of less academic matters such as love, a subject that flusters her greatly. Smoke skills are great choices to make opposing enemies even easier to take down and ensure that she can benefit from her PRF’s in-combat boosts more frequently. However, because of the aforementioned low enemy quality, Lute's good combat isn't particularly unique and many other units such as Franz or Seth can do similar things as Lute for less investment. Marlon&Louis Fire Hacks 22,941 views 8:15 Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones(GBA) All Promotions - Duration: 12:21. Archer Cavalier Cleric Dark Mage Wyvern Rider Knight Mage Mercenary Myrmidon Pegasus Knight Tactician Thief Troubadour. Because of extra movement and CON growth. Lute is a young female mage who appears in Chapter 4. Since this build focuses solely on bolstering the prodigy’s destructive potential as much as possible, a +ATK or +SPD IV is ideal here, with the latter being the more preferable choice given her reliance on her ability to consistently perform follow-up attacks. Sabotage Atk shares a similar activation requirement to that of refined Weirding Tome and thus makes for an excellent choice to build upon the mapwide debuffs that Lute can inherently apply; this does, however, come at the cost of making her functionality be dependent on maintaining high levels of Resistance. After the war, Kyle and Lute were married in Renais. A summer variation of Lute was made available between the period of June 18, 2020 through July 18, 2020 part of the summoning event surrounding the launch of the Summer Passing update. 1 Stats 1.1 Level 1 stats 1.2 Level 40 stats 1.3 Growth Rates 1.4 Stats between level 1 and 40 2 Skills 2.1 Weapons 2.2 Assists 2.3 Specials 2.4 Passives All stats have a degree of variation. FEH Content Update: 10/06/2020 - Dragons Harv... Got my first ever Ross. Alternatively, Desperation can be taken for a purely offensive approach to Lute’s intended playstyle and ensure that she is able to safely engage in extended rounds of combat without regard to her low Defense, allowing her to perform consecutive follow-up attacks upon reaching its HP threshold. ID: K0bAoS8BjQ, 2017/06/03(土) 00:47:41 Alternatively, Draconic Aura can be considered for more consistent damage instead of quicker Special activations (though this can easily be mitigated via the use of the Heavy Blade seal as well). The Heavy Blade seal enables Lute to skyrocket her damage tremendously through faster Special activations, but the Darting Blow, Atk/Spd 2, Speed +3, and Attack +3 seals (or any of their variants) remain good alternative options to supplement Lute’s offenses further. In addition, it can be paired with the Heavy Blade seal to ensure its activation in her first round of combat, provided that she performs a follow-up attack and her opponent can actually counterattack. It also helps her Glacies by making you able to use it faster, and Fury boosts the damage output. ", and also often claims "I am superior, after all.". Since Lute has excellent offensive capabilities as well as mage tank capabilities, this build is optimal to maximize her offensive and mage tank capabilities. Although visible debuffs don’t stack, Ploys still remain worthwhile skills to consider using since her opponents are not always guaranteed to be directly adjacent to one another. At the beginning of the chapter, she is told by Artur to stay in the village. Lute’s physical bulk is nothing short of horrendous and makes her terribly weak to most (if not all) sources of physical damage, making it highly important that she is able to avoid such threats as best as possible. The meme, the myth, the legend, Lute: Prodigy makes her way into Fire Emblem Heroes to assert dominance and show everyone what it means to be, well, superior. Although her weapon’s built in Sabotage Spd/Res effect can indeed be a valuable asset to her allies, it also benefits Lute herself exponentially; with all its effects considered, Weirding Tome grants Lute an effective +9/+12/+4/+4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res against opponents afflicted by its debuff. A lute is a plucked string instrument which is rare in modern times but was popular in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. This site was created to provide accurate and reliable information about the Fire Emblem series. Screenshot_20201011-142550720×1280 597 KB…, I have a bunch of seasonal units in desperate need of a refine, like Summer flying…, Fire Emblem Heroes_2020-10-11-06-29-341080×2220 1.44 MB Overall, Lute finally received the redemption arc that she deserved, with her Weirding Tome’s newfounded power making her a simple but effective asset at one’s disposal when played to her strengths. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. For her special, Glacies can help due to her high Res stat, or Glimmer for an extra boost in damage. All images and names owned and trademarked by Nintendo and INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS are property of their respective owners. Fury (3 or 4) is Lute’s ideal choice of A slot skill as its overall stat boost can prove greatly beneficial in augmenting her offensive capabilities both directly and indirectly, strengthening her raw damage output, follow-up potential, and ability to leverage Weirding Tome’s debuff at the same time. This page was last edited on 1 September 2020, at 22:33. Lute's most apparent trait is that she believes that she is a prodigy. Nino vs Lute Fire Emblem - Duration: 8:15. This build is purely to make it so that Lute constantly has a special so she basically wins every fight she initiates. Lute's stats could be considered somewhat of an improvement on her infantry self, with +4 HP / -1 Atk / +2 Spd / +1 Def / -2 Res, but it's still not competitive with 5 star exclusive blue tome fliers such as Summer Laegjarn. She is like Canas, in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, since he claims to be a scholar as well.

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