What is of great significance here is the fact that the entire claims activities were conducted outside of normal court proceedings protected by the constitution. In short, it provided hope for the nearly hopeless situation Indian found themselves confronted with. For instance, in 1833 an American party of fur trappers introduced a murderous scourge of malaria into the Sacramento and San Joaquin River drainages. Costanoan Indians at Mission Santa Cruz, in 1812, killed a padre for introducing a new instrument of torture which he unwisely announced he planned to use on some luckless neophytes awaiting a beating. The tribal communities often held traditional ceremonies and participated in those of their more fortunate reservation Indians. Conical homes of arroweed, tule or croton were common, while whale bone structures could be found on the coast and nearby Channel Islands. In return, the signatory tribes promised to forever quitclaim to the United States their lands. Groups such as the Humboldt Home Guard, the Eel River Minutemen and the Placer Blades among others terrorized local Indians and caused the premier 19th century historian Hubert Howe Bancroft to describe them as follows. Currently more than thirty reservations and rancherias have established gaming businesses on their lands. Only 6,536 Indians were recognized and living on reservations about the turn of the century. Within the missions, the so-called “converts” continued to surreptitiously worship their old deities as well as conduct native dances and rituals in secret. The Lizards did so, and all could see the- thin column rising up far to the west. Es herrscht Unklarheit darüber, ob diese Felsbilder von den Maidu selbst oder ihren Vorgängern stammen. Diese Häuser bestanden aus ansehnlichen kreisrunden Konstruktionen von 3,5–5,5 m (12–18 ft) Durchmesser, deren Böden etwa einen Meter (3 ft) unter der Erdoberfläche lagen. The amazing adaptive capabilities of California Indians has demonstrated the resiliency and genius of these much misunderstood and hardworking tribes can achieve under the most unfavorable of circumstances. In 1804 a San Diego padre was poisoned by his personal cook. Worse still, many BIA services like health, education were abruptly ended for all Indians in the state. Survivors fled in terror back to Chico, only to be again removed to Round Valley sometime afterwards. Those lucky enough to have reservations established in the aboriginal territories were understandably reluctant to share the scant advantages they enjoyed with newly arrived emigre tribes. He said to Coyote, " Why do you trouble people? For a while all went well, but when they were about half-way back, Thunder woke up, suspected that something was wrong, and asked, "What is the matter with my fire?". Thus, Indians are the only class of citizens in the United States who are denied constitutional protection of their lands by extra-constitutional means. Feral hogs ate tons of raw acorns, depriving even the non-missionized tribes in the interior of a significant amount of aboriginal protein. Some are highly successful while other are not. The discovery of gold in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada at a sawmill construction site developed by Indian Agent Johann Sutter, ushered in one of the darkest episodes of dispossession widespread sexual assault and mass murder against the native people of California. These rituals assure the renewal of the world’s natural foods both plant and animal. Hirsche, Wapitis und Antilopen wurden wie auch die Vielfalt der kleineren Tiere regelmäßig auf der Jagd erbeutet. The 1995 Maidu population is considered to be approximately 2,500. More important for the majority of landless Indians were the efforts of the Northern California Indian Association that goaded the BIA into enumerating landless Indians in 1905.

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