8. Do you prefer the name Erin or Colette for a little girl? Team names: Sports teams that are a bit flexible on the rules often allow any name to be placed on the back of a jersey so as long as it falls into tasteful guidelines. people he/she is looking a nick name for the name Bella not that it already is a nick name people sometimes there real name is bella so stop repeating the same thing! Hells Bells if you're a bit of a rebel. Such as, Isabella, Arabella, Amabella, Idabella, Irabella, Annabelle, Isobel, Maybelle, etc. But most people consider Bella a nickname for a full first name. Mason is a popularly used name for boys that means "one who works with stone." Bella already is a nickname, its short and even if it is someones full name there's no reason for a nickname. then some good middle names would be, ann, hope, jane, jude, michelle, belle, Bella. 6 years ago. "Bella" Italian pop song by Jovanotti Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Belle, Annabella, Arabella, Bellamy, Isabella, Mehitabel, Rosabella. Isabella, but not just Bella. So... you can always go with Belle / Bell / Bel, Elle, Ella, Ellie, etc. So her nickname has been “Boo” every since. Green doing during this interception? I swear you described my “Bella” to a T! And that era was over 8 years ago - I doubt those books or movies are going to have that kind of influence on that name now, especially when it didn’t then. She’s also stubborn and determined in all she does. If you had a shop, what would the name of your shop be? Is an amazing person is pan so she likes fired eggs is the best mum ever is a ginger ninja, To the 2nd commenter. Belle, Bells, Boo, Ella, Elle, Ell, Elly/Ellie. You can sign in to vote the answer. Name MatchMaker to find the perfect baby name for you! a far superior character who shares this nickname, https://applesparkles.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_Nicknames_for_Bella_Swan?oldid=19048, Dumbass in Distress (Nostalgia Critic's #1 in this category), Skeletor (Breaking Dawn’s Honest Trailer), Deadpan McGee (from the Blockbuster Buster), Plainella (Because she is soooo plain!Xd). If you’re on, say, a softball team, you probably have a few different shirts from the current season and seasons past with an interesting name or two! I guess B or Belle, but kind of unnecessary. Saints star benched for slugging teammate: Report, Trump $200 Rx card plan doesn't 'pass the laugh test', Government UFO cover-up confirmed by Harry Reid, Small businesses are 'hanging on for dear life', CDC data shows exactly how effective virus measures are. WUDN'T U B VRY HURT? Bella is already a nickname for all names that end in -bella. Aloani. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Var: Belle. Personally, I prefer Bella, despite its connections with Twilight (which I hate). Get your answers by asking now. She’s 8 and she’s so artistic, protective and just lights up a room.

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