Some people do this already by simply shutting off their pump for part of the day. Max flow rate: 113 GPM (103 GPM when used on 110 volt option) To realize the most savings (and better water quality), you would run it near all the time, say 12-18 hrs daily on low speed, and then 4-6 hrs daily on a higher speed. 3-HP Intelliflo pumps are best suited for a pool with 2 skimmers, plus attached spa, plus some kind of waterfall or fountain feature, or a larger size of 40K-60K gals. For this reason, the maximum flow rate for each pump becomes very relevant. Hi Davy, Happy to help! By 2021, federal mandates require VS pumps when replacing any pool pump over 1 hp in size. My single speed pump fail. I would like to have the best and optimal equipment including a cartridge VS filter, pump, salt water system, heater, pipes, elbows and everything necessary to create peace of mind. do not save you all that much money do not understand this important law of electrical consumption in relation to motor RPM. 1.5HP, 230V, 8-Speed, 600-3450 RPM For one that would seem like overkill. Would I need to consider a different size HP pump if I only do the one descent versus the three, or would you recommend the same pump either way. Thanks! The SuperFlo VST Variable Speed Pool Pump features sophisticated technology in a simple to operate pump. I had linked one that will work, in my previous response, which was also an EE (Energy Efficient) motor. In most cases you will not need the full flow rate of the pump which is why you are shopping for a variable speed pump in the first place. Thanks! Also want 10-12″ of straight-run PVC pipe coming into front of pump (no 90’s). locate it - like on an adjacent wall. difficulty at all opening and interacting with the SuperFlo pump lid, but if you need this pump for someone who is technically challenged, or has very little hand At Pentair, we believe the health of our … Can we replace just the motor and what would you recommend. If you have a sand filter you should look into the maximum designed flow rate for your filter to make sure the pump you install will not overdrive is sand filters. The reality is that flow rate is important, but not the most important thing you should look at when comparing these two pumps. I’m not sure about the Feet Of Head calculation, but even if I had that, i’m not seeing any pumps for sale with selection criteria that includes any of this. Also, the builder said he prefers to do 1.5″ PVC because that is what has worked best for him. Hi Tyler, the best thing would be to do the sheer descents on a separate pump, using a waterfall pump (which is exempted from new VS regulations). You can get away with running a single speed pump for only a handful of hours per day You can either replace the bearings (but first have to open the motor to see which bearings are used), or replace the motor and the shaft seal, and be back in business for around $250.

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