Character Analysis Quiz Further Study Character Analysis Quiz. The narrator explains how, after Ender beats the older boys at a computer game, he begins to feel more confident in himself and his abilities at Battle School. Learn all about how the characters in Ender's Game such as Ender and Valentine contribute to the story and how they fit into the plot. Valentine has much of Ender's compassion, but she does not have Peter's ruthlessness. Detailed analysis of Characters in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game. Study Guide. 1 of 5. Ender's older sister is the only person in the world who truly loves him. Ender's Game Orson Scott Card . Valentine Wiggin. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). Ender’s older sister, Valentine Wiggin is gentle and kind—even more so than Ender … Characters Peter Valentine and Ender's older brother, Peter is completely lacking in the compassion that the other two have and has only ruthlessness in its place. Valentine. However, as the story progresses, Valentine learns that the differences between the three siblings are not as great as they seem. She protects him … Summary. The Ender’s Game quotes below are all either spoken by Valentine Wiggin or refer to Valentine Wiggin. Peter would be proud of me.” • “I didn’t On the way to Battle School, Ender began to doubt himself, so proving to himself and others that he possesses the ability to be an outstanding commander makes him feel more hopeful. What trait does Ender retain throughout the book? ... Defeats the buggers Kills Peter 2 of 5. He is a sadistic brother and it is unclear at many points whether or not he is considering killing Ender and Valentine. What does Ender do at the age of six? INFLUENCE ON ENDER ANALYSIS AMBITIOUS • “And in the mirror he saw a face that he easily recognized. At the end of the book, Peter has become Hegemon, a ruler of the world, and he has persuaded the world to adopt Locke's plan for peace instead of constant fighting. Valentine is Ender's older sister, and she does what she can to protect him from Peter, their sadistic older brother. Peter's persona, Locke, expresses a calm and wise influence on the world, which is Peter's strategy for earning the respect that he needs to influence others. It was Peter, with blood dripping down his chin…” • “Take my monitor away, and I am just like Peter.” • “I’m a murderer even when I play.

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