├ Archbishop Rhea Sacred Stones, Assassin vs. Swordmaster I know that swordmasters get + 15% crit and assassins get silencer but I was just curious on your opinions on the two. Seems to me like you only ever venture into the Swordmaster line to get Swordfaire, and then you should always just go to Assassin as the final class. ├ Brigand ├ Shamir ├ Noble ■ Enemy Information I don't remember) skills on raising crit by inconsequential amounts while wasting a skill slot, why not just give SMs, Berserkers and Snipers (and Halberdiers, had they been in the game) innate Crit +15, like in other games? ", "New Characters and New Classes added in our Recommended Classes Second Edition! Swordmaster Petra with alert stance+, sword prowess 5, an evasion ring, and an evasion battalion is good. When is it safe to start the DLC side story? ├ Caspar von Velgris ├ Claude von Riegan ├ Hubert A subreddit to discuss the Fire Emblem series of games, and associated media. ├ Seminars └ Gremory ├ Messenger Owl’s Feathers -you get another swordmaster later in the game; who will likely sub your RNG cursed students. How to get s rank with sothis! She hails from Brigid, a vassal state of the Adrestian Empire. ├ Holy Knight Is she a good candidate for wyvern, or better off on the merc/brawler route? ├ Monsters You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. ■ Part 2: Silver Snow (Church of Seiros – Garreg Mach Monastery/Rhea Route) Severa with a good father (Vaike comes to mind) is better than him. ├ Grappler ├ Chapter 20: Conclusion of the Crossing Roads ├ Prologue: Inevitable Encounter For Inigo, I usually go with the Hero class. Does Poison Strike work on The Immaculate One? ├ Tutoring System ├ Dorothea Arnault Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. ├ Shamir Nevrand ├ Enemy Units Exclusive to the Swordmaster class. Furthermore, we prepared the major Tier List & Rankings about Character and Job Classes. July 30, 2019 ├ Archbishop Rhea Let me know if you found anything better. ├ Dark Flier ├ Lysithea Tea Party Guide └ Chapter 11: Throne of Knowledge She'll be fine in any non-magic class. At the start of the game, she is fifteen years old. ├ How to Unlock Dancer Class ├ Ignatz ├ Lysithea We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. ├ Claude von Riegan ├ Brawler └ Chapter 7: Wolf Pack ■ Free Day Activities ├ Manuela Casagranda ├ Hanneman von Esser —Petra talking to Edelgard. Mag: -2 vs -1 (irrelevant in physical classes). ■ Non-faction Characters FC: 0361-6999-4252. ├ Alois Rangeld ├ Gilbert ├ Maddening Enemy Unit Skills ├ Chapter 16: Lady of Deceit ├ Magic Spells └ Pagan Altar Items ├ Group Tasks └ Monk └ Enlightened One, ■ Church of Seiros └ List of Characters, ■ Popular Tea Party Guides Swordmaster have more Avo. ├ Balthus Mavitar 1 year ago #22. ├ Hilda Tea Party Guide From there it's either Falcon Knight or Wyvern Lord, but assassin will probably make the easiest jump this way. ├ Ashe Ubert ├ Mortal Savant (Even more then Falcons, considering that they can gain more levels with their high growth), Slightly higher investment required due to Petra not having a strength in Lances. I even did a swordmaster only playthrough because of my love of the class from earlier games, but I definitely lean towards the assassin now. ├ Chapter 16: The Rose-Colored River ├ Quest Battles ├ Chapter 6: Rumors of a Reaper ├ Hero’s Relic & Sacred Weapons But I dunno, Inigo as an Assassin kinda...rubs me the wrong way. ├ Wayseer ├ Cindered Shadows DLC Information ├ Gardening 11 months ago Best classes for Petra growth wise are Swordmaster, Falcon Knight and Wyvern Lord with Assassin not too far behind but it loses to Swordmaster due to no str growth. ├ Barbarossa Petra is the presumptive heir and granddaughter of the king of Brigid, an archipelago to the west of Fódlan. ├ Dining ├ Chapter 15: Valley of Torment └ Quest Battles, ■ Church of Seiros ├ Character Stat Growth Rates ├ Kostas ├ Aelfric ├ Jeritza ├ Chapter 16: The Rose-Colored River ├ Chapter 10: Where the Goddess Dwells ├ Permanent Events Assassins all the way. She and Dedue are my OTP (unless someone can tell me another option for her, Dorothea is another one). ├ Chapter 5: Tower of Black Winds Don't think that's enough to recommend it when she can easily get Str-screwed in that class. Wyvern Lord suits her boons the best so she’ll generally end up there and the class path can fix her strength. ├ Motivation System ├ Constance von Nuvelle if I remember well, but I may be mistaken. ├ Ignatz Victor Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ■ Ashen Wolves House ├ Chapter 12: To War ├ Catherine Rubens Charon ├ Recommended Battalions ├ Ferdinand SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info. ├ Catherine Awakening nerfed Swordmasters a bit too much for my liking. ├ Flayn ├ Wyvern Lord └ Chapter 21: Following a Dream └ Playing the Cindered Shadows DLC ├ Cindered Shadows Preset Classes Petra's optimal class is wyvern lord but assassin is a decent alternative for her if you haven't built up the necessary skill levels for WL. ├ Shields So what’s her best bet, taking all other things off of the table? ■ Part 2: Crimson Flower (Black Eagles – Edelgard Route) ├ Recommended Combat Arts ├ Chapter 19: Golden Deer’s Plea Join along as we discuss the latest title for Fire Emblem on the Nintendo Switch! ├ Chapter 5: Betrayal Petra: Assassin, Falcon Knight Petra starts off just using swords, which might make you think that she’d be a good fit as a Swordmaster. ├ Ingrid Tea Party Guide └ Leonie A collection of tutorials for Bob's Track Builder, XPacker, and other related programs I'm really only posing this question as I am still floundering in the secret stages of Apotheosis, and Inigo is turning out to be one of the weaker links. ├ Mission Battles You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. └ Game Length and Other Plans ├ Cavalier Garreg Mach Monastery - Knights of Seiros. ├ Assassin We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. ├ High Lord For Fire Emblem: Three Houses on the Nintendo Switch, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Petra more Swordmaster or Assassin? ├ Personal Abilities I think that as an Assassin, Petra is the best user of Finesse Blade?

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