The major ideas of our time—developments in medicine, the importance of space exploration to advance our species—have been neglected. He was 91. ), Mr. Bradbury referred to himself as an “idea writer,” by which he meant something quite different from erudite or scholarly. Se consideraba a sí mismo «un narrador de cuentos con propósitos morales». Perhaps his best-known book is Fahrenheit 451. Si bien a Bradbury se le conoce como escritor de ciencia ficción, él mismo declaró que no era escritor de ciencia ficción sino de fantasía y que su única novela de ciencia ficción es Fahrenheit 451. Mr. Bradbury sold his first story to a magazine called Super Science Stories in his early 20s. For your voice to be heard, in most states you must register before you can vote. [5]​ También trabajó como argumentista y guionista en numerosas películas y series de televisión, entre las que cabe destacar su colaboración con John Huston en la adaptación de Moby Dick para la película homónima que este dirigió en 1956. They miss out on a lot. 1922-2003. Un al poético y un cierto romanticismo son otros rasgos persistentes en la obra de Ray Bradbury, si bien sus temas están inspirados en la vida diaria de las personas. Ray Bradbury (Waukegan, Illinois, 22 de agosto de 1920-Los Ángeles, California, 5 de junio de 2012)[1]​[2]​ fue un escritor estadounidense de misterio del género fantástico, terror y ciencia ficción. The impetus to become a writer was supplied by a carnival magician named Mr. Electrico, who engaged the boy, then 12, in a conversation that touched on immortality. Esta página se editó por última vez el 10 sep 2020 a las 15:25. From a window, Douglas Spaulding, 12, looks out upon his town, “covered over with darkness and at ease in bed.” He has a task to perform. Ray Bradbury at a book signing in California in 1997. fund-raising efforts for public libraries. But he drew his primary inspiration from his childhood. Además escribió poemas y ensayos. “En mis obras no he tratado de hacer predicciones acerca del futuro, sino avisos. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter, Register to vote and apply for an absentee ballot today. ©2020 Verizon Media. That same year he married Marguerite Susan McClure, whom he had met in a Los Angeles bookstore. Born in Waukegan, Illinois in 1920, Bradbury moved with his family to California in the spring of 1934, where he lived until his death. Visit the state elections site. 06 junio 2.012. Hay que tener mucho cuidado con los intelectuales y los psicólogos, que te intentan decir lo que tienes que leer y lo que no». By many estimations Mr. Bradbury was the writer most responsible for bringing modern science fiction into the literary mainstream. “I have fun with ideas; I play with them,” he said. The Ray Bradbury Theater, serie de televisión, 65 episodios, 1985-1986 y 1988-1992. An unathletic child who suffered from bad dreams, he relished the tales of the Brothers Grimm and the Oz stories of L. Frank Baum, which his mother, the former Esther Moberg, read to him. He went so far as to attribute his success as a writer to his never having gone to college. Escribió cuentos y novelas de diversos géneros, desde el policial hasta el realista y costumbrista, pero se le conoce como un escritor clásico de la ciencia ficción por Crónicas marcianas (1950) que cuenta sobre los seis primeros viajes hacia Marte y su posterior colonización. .Antonio Astorga. He boasted that he had total recall of his earliest years, including the moment of his birth. Douglas, conducting an orchestra, pointed to the eastern sky. ", "What I have always been is a hybrid author," Bradbury said in 2009. El sonido del trueno ( Peter Hyams , 2005), Warner Bros. , con Edward Burns , Ben Kingsley y Catherine McCormack . The novelist Christopher Isherwood greeted Mr. Bradbury as “a very great and unusual talent,” and one of Mr. Bradbury’s personal heroes, Aldous Huxley, hailed him as a poet. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! He developed a flair for public speaking and was widely sought after on the national lecture circuit. And he talked about the future, perhaps his favorite subject, describing how it both attracted and repelled him, leaving him filled with apprehension and hope. He was the biggest kid I know. Encouraged by a high school English teacher and the professional writers he met at the Los Angeles chapter of the Science Fiction League, he began an enduring routine of turning out at least a thousand words a day on his typewriter. Bradbury, who never went to college, experienced a steady stream of critical and commercial success after he shot into the mainstream with his 1950 short story collection "The Martian Chronicles." .mw-parser-output .flexquote{display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-color:#F9F9F9;border-left:3px solid #c8ccd1;font-size:90%;margin:1em 4em;padding:.4em .8em}.mw-parser-output .flexquote>.flex{display:flex;flex-direction:row}.mw-parser-output .flexquote>.flex>.quote{width:100%}.mw-parser-output .flexquote>.flex>.separator{border-left:1px solid #c8ccd1;border-top:1px solid #c8ccd1;margin:.4em .8em}.mw-parser-output .flexquote>.cite{text-align:right}@media all and (max-width:600px){.mw-parser-output .flexquote>.flex{flex-direction:column}}, Junto a Leigh Brackett, se le considera como uno de los escritores más identificados con la revista pulp Planet Stories;[10]​ ambos autores colaboraron en la novela corta Lorelei of the Red Mist que apareció en 1946. Though his books became a staple of high school and college English courses, Mr. Bradbury himself disdained formal education. “He gave the town a last snap of his fingers. Mr. Bradbury’s passion for books found expression in his dystopian novel “Fahrenheit 451,” published in 1953. A petición suya, su lápida funeraria, en el Cementerio Westwood Village Memorial Park, lleva el epitafio: «Autor de Fahrenheit 451».[8]​. Existe un asteroide llamado (9766) Bradbury en su honor. In a burst of creativity from 1946 to 1950, he produced most of the stories later collected in “The Martian Chronicles” and “The Illustrated Man” and the novella that formed the basis of “Fahrenheit 451.”, While science fiction purists complained about Mr. Bradbury’s cavalier attitude toward scientific facts — he gave his fictional Mars an impossibly breathable atmosphere — the literary establishment waxed enthusiastic. Shares. The mainstream hasn’t been paying attention to all the changes in our culture during the last fifty years. He lived in the same house in Los Angeles for more than 5o years, rearing four daughters with his wife, Marguerite, who died in 2003. Su familia se mudó varias veces desde su lugar de origen hasta establecerse finalmente en Los Ángeles, California, en 1934. It’ll be a fine season. "Everything I've done is a surprise, a wonderful surprise," Bradbury said during his acceptance speech. Birds leaped from trees like a net thrown by his hand, singing. Ray Bradbury, Who Brought Mars to Earth With a Lyrical Mastery, Dies at 91. Though the sedentary writing life appealed to him most, he was not reclusive. Readers had no reason to doubt him. Para ganarse la vida, comenzó a vender periódicos de 1938 a 1942. Instead, he read everything he could get his hands on: Edgar Allan Poe, Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Thomas Wolfe, Ernest Hemingway . Ray became a movie buff, sneaking into theaters as often as nine times a week by his count. Sci-fi author Ray Bradbury, whose wrote classic books such as "Fahrenheit 451" and "The Martian Chronicles," died Wednesday at 91. Ray Bradbury, American author known for his highly imaginative short stories and novels that blend a poetic style, nostalgia for childhood, social criticism, and an awareness of the hazards of runaway technology. Ediciones Minotauro. Sus obras a menudo producen en el lector una angustia metafísica, y por lo cual desconcertante, ya que reflejan la convicción de Bradbury de que el destino de la humanidad es «recorrer espacios infinitos y padecer sufrimientos agobiadores para concluir vencido, contemplando el fin de la eternidad». Did I write that? The story, set in 1949, is about a series of murders that happen in Venice, California, then a declining seaside community in Los Angeles where Bradbury lived from 1942 to 1950. [4]​ Finalmente, se estableció en California, donde residió y continuó su producción hasta su fallecimiento. Bradbury nació el 22 de agosto de 1920 en Waukegan, hijo de Leonard Spaulding Bradbury y de Esther Moberg. The son of a lineman for the local power company, he was a lover of literature from an early age, especially the books of L. Frank Baum and Edgar Allan Poe. [11]​ Las obras que Bradbury destinó a la revista incluyen a una de las primeras historias de la serie Crónicas marcianas.[12]​[13]​. Yes, sir, he thought, everyone jumps, everyone runs when I yell. Your stories. Los intelectuales, ya sean de derechas o de izquierdas, siempre tienen miedo a lo fantástico porque les parece tan real ese mundo que creen que estás intentando engañar y, evidentemente, así es. In his best stories and in his autobiographical novel, “Dandelion Wine” (1957), he gave voice to both the joys and fears of childhood, as well as its wonders. His writing career stretched across 70 years, to the last weeks of his life. But your state may let you vote during a designated early voting period. Having written himself “down out of the attic,” as he later put it, Mr. Bradbury focused on science fiction. In a series of loosely intertwined tales structurally inspired by Sherwood Anderson's "Winesburg, Ohio," the collection tells the story of the colonization of Mars by humans fleeing Earth. Pág. An appreciation by Sam Weller», «CA -- Westwood -- Pierce Bros. Westwood Village Memorial Park: Ray Bradbury». Ray Bradbury, a master of science fiction whose imaginative and lyrical evocations of the future reflected both the optimism and the anxieties of his … En 1947, se casó con Marguerite McClure (1922-2003), con quien tuvo cuatro hijas,[6]​ Bettina, Alexandra, Susan y Ramona. It’s a great shame. Biblioteca.etsit. He was most widely known for his novels “The Martian Chronicles,” Dandelion Wine," “Something Wicked This Way Comes” and his classic dystopian novel "Fahrenheit 451," which has been a contested staple of school reading lists since its publication in 1953. Critics who had dismissed science fiction as adolescent prattle praised “Chronicles” as stylishly written morality tales set in a future that seemed just around the corner. For many years he refused to travel by plane, preferring trains, and he never learned to drive. A partir de entonces, Bradbury fue un ávido lector durante toda su juventud, además de un escritor aficionado. Learn more about Bradbury’s life … In a statement to io9, Bradbury's grandson Danny Karapetian called his grandfather -- whose mix of playfulness and industriousness gave him the sort of resume distinguished by an Emmy, a special citation from the Pulitzer Board, and a lunar crater named in honor of his work -- "the biggest kid I know": If I had to make any statement, it would be how much I love and miss him, and I look forward to hearing everyone's memories about him. The advent of the atomic bomb in 1945 left many Americans deeply ambivalent toward science. Science fiction writers, who were accustomed to thinking about the role of science in society, had trenchant things to say about the nuclear threat. 1955. Narrativa Bra Cro. By 30 he had made his reputation with “The Martian Chronicles,” a collection of thematically linked stories published in 1950. In 2004, President George W. Bush and the first lady, Laura Bush, presented Mr. Bradbury with the National Medal of Arts. Bradbury's career following "The Martian Chronicles," prolific by any standards, earned him a number of lifetime achievement awards, including an honorary National Book Award in 2000. “He folded his arms and smiled a magician’s smile.

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