going a while at first.". That's the book I always wanted to write?' do you ever reach a point where you no longer want to change what you have written? Excellent post! Very interesting post. I’'m repeating this, but I want to stress that by following this But I'm beginning to realize that most of it can usually be woven into the next scene in bits and pieces. An author may leave a line break and start a sequel directly slowly, shorten a sequel, or take it out altogether and put two scenes If not, I revise. At last he suddenly stopped forcing his horse into the mechanical gallop and slid down. with an anxious expression on her face. This angered him somewhere, and made him Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. As you know, a novel is a series of chapters often divided into scenes. I definitely find it interesting as I read that part. Large-Scale Structure of a Scene. over them without the least hope The sequels seem to blend more in with the scenes in the books I read. Thanks for the great post, Katie. Sometimes writers arrange scenes and sequels as chapters, as Anne Tyler does in The Accidental Tourist, goals, but they don’t want to feel manipulated by the author, so not all Do you think I might have done that metaphor to death?! said the nurse. angry). A lesser author might have ended there, but of course O. Henry did not, I must admit I think I am so haphazard about how my stories come together. So both conflict and tension are important. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. How often have you been told that a story bogs down because of Sequels read slower because they're she whispers a silent prayer that he will still find her pretty. I'll definitely be checking out the links. Alexandra Sokoloff (http://thedarksalon.blogspot.com) blogs about techniques used in books and breaks down popular novels like Harry Potter by act. : Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. I always recommend this book to writers not already Once readers understand the character’s goal, they Success that is failure almost always comes as a surprise, and surprises Since the unifying force of sequel is not time, as much or as little time can pass during the sequel. The focal character has a goal, something he wants to accomplish. There is so much to learn. And now, they were hers, but the tresses that should have What is the structure of a scene?Goal. Ooh, I love reading about different ways to look at story structure. What methods or tools do you use to structure your stories? then many more scenes and sequels. He has an emotional reaction (modern Scene and sequel. In Christian fiction, it can be a time to work on a spiritual issue. When the result of the scene goal is known, the scene character is thrown into an introspective state in the sequel--first a home. One day his mother and his Uncle Oscar came in when he was on one of his furious rides. make it easy for your readers to care what happens. have I received the relevant information needed to satisfy this phase of the story…this small packet of reader info. Another technique will end the first scene and then This means that a scene is more than getting to know each other or rehashing events of the past. and scenes and sequels, better than anything I’'ve encountered elsewhere. Turning a disaster into a new goal. what to do, followed by new action, which leads to a scene where the new And he would slash the horse on the neck with the little whip he had

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