Meaning of Seneca Name, Seneca name definition, origin of Seneca name, What Does Seneca Mean and History?Popularity of name Seneca, Is there name in the Bible/Torah/Quran? It is also the name of a Roman philosopher. On the Omega consciousness scale, the name Seneca echoes the emotional vibration of Desire. Seneca is a rare first name for men but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#27744 out of 150436, Top 18%). Her sister's name is Langley. The surname Seneca was first found in Normandy (French: Normandie), the former Duchy of Normandy, where this distinguished family held a family seat at Crèvecoeur in the arrondissement of Lisieux where Hamon Le Sénéchal held a strong castle that still remains in the valley of Auge. The Roman Philosopher, actually there were two. On the unfavorable side, 'A' may surface some disregard for others' feelings, time or needs. It means "from the Seneca tribe". Copyright © 2018 - 2020 | Name Echo by Eida Goodman, The Core Numbers of Numerology: From Life Path to Hidden Passion, The Life Path Numbers: Hidden Messages to Keep in Mind, The Attitude Number: All 1 to 9 Meanings Explained, Name Numerology and The Impact of Name Changes. Also the name of several New York State place names, and the name of a Roman philosopher and statesman who lived around the time of Christ and was Nero's tutor. The name Seneca invokes reliability, expressiveness and confidence. I named my son Seneca after looking through a genealogy book from my mother's side of the family. Alternatively, Seneca is a Native American name meaning: “protectors of the western wall”. As a spirit animal, the Grasshopper helps one use their wisdom to get past any obstacles that might be in their way. Seneca Crane from "The Hunger Games" trilogy by Suzanne Collins. This name draws in people who are prudent and sophisticated, as well as others who are inflexible and unappreciative. What are her siblings named? Seneca was a name borne by the Roman philosopher, Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Your email address will not be published. In Latin, Seneca means "old. Seneca (seh-nuh-kuh) is a girl’s name of Latin origin meaning: “old”. See the popularity of the girl's name Seneca over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. We've only had one person pronounce it wrong at a doctor's office, it is pronounced SEN-eh-ka, and on this one occasion they said Sen-NEEK-qua. Recommended sound-alike names are Seadya, Sebert, Seely, Seger, Segev, Sela, Sender, Senior, Sennet, Sennett, Sereno, Severn, Severo, Sewell, Sewerd, Shea, Spence and Steba (see Stephen). The Seneca Indians were part of the Iroquois five nations, and were known as the "keepers of the western wall". When a name has 'S' as initial, there is a wish to accumulate riches, but this doesn't overshadow these people's compassionate and warm nature. Mottoes seldom form part of the grant of arms: Under most heraldic authorities, a motto is an optional component of the coat of arms, and can be added to or changed at will; many families have chosen not to display a motto. Know a Seneca? As a result of these linguistic and cultural influences, the name Seneca is distinguished by a number of regional variations. The energy of this day is auspicious for those named Seneca who are advised to express feelings and communicate openly with dear ones. It is the time for standing up for one's opinions regardless of the opposition. It is also the name of a Roman philosopher. Also this lover can tell when there is something with their partner, or when something goes wrong in the relationship. 1 : a member of an American Indian people of western New York.
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