Claudius died in A.D. 54 after eating a mushroom that was either bad or poisoned—Tacitus and the ancients say poisoned on Agrippina’s orders, and while there’s no hard proof, nobody then or now would put it past her. As old ladies will, she stroked his downy beard (since he was now mature), and murmured fondly: ‘When you celebrate your coming-of-age and send me this, I’ll die happy.’ Nero promptly turned to his companions and joked: ‘Then I’ll shave it off here and now!’ Then he ordered the doctors to give her a fatal purge, and seized her property before she was cold, suppressing the will so nothing escaped him. quae Cas. The conspirators were brought to trial triply-chained, some freely admitting guilt, and saying they had sought to do the Emperor a favour, since only his death could aid one so tainted by every kind of crime. 9, Tac. 1. 161, p. 254. 20. They were easy to recognise by their bushy hair, splendid clothes, and the lack of rings on their left hands. He conferred triumphal regalia on men of quaestor rank as well as knights, and occasionally for other than military service. He repeated the performance, this time in Rome itself. emanaret] emanarit Lipsius teste Burm., Bent. Liv. 3. 2 eandem mox saepe frustra strangulare meditatus dimisit ut sterilem, sed improbante diuortium populo nec parcente conuiciis etiam relegauit, denique occidit sub crimine adulteriorum adeo inpudenti falsoque ut in quaestione pernegantibus cunctis Anicetum paedagogum suum indicem subiecerit qui fingeret †dolo stupratam a se fateretur. It was one of the big reasons that the Roman public suspected Nero of setting the fire himself. His old nurses, Egloge and Alexandria, accompanied by Acte his mistress, laid his ashes to rest in the family tomb of the Domitii on the summit of the Pincian Hill, which can be seen from the Campus Martius. Phorm. my discussion of Dom. While Barrett concedes that the extent of the devastation is almost impossible to pin down—there are no casualty figures, and we don’t know the name of one person who died in the fire—he finds it likely that the scale of human suffering was great. He even considered taking part in the public shows given by magistrates, after receiving an offer of ten thousand gold pieces from a praetor if he would agree to perform opposite the professional singers. But Cardano was having his own problems with the Inquisition at the time. 83 quotiens quisque est in hoc scelere convictus). camelorum) consternati equi and Flor. 32 sesceni have been held suspect, both times by Lipsius). He observed the rules scrupulously while competing, not daring to clear his throat, and wiping sweat from his brow only with his bare arm. 25, Mil. 6 (festinatione ac tumultu), Apul. He commences to pluck. For this he did not go unpunished.”. 6. He fished with a golden net strung with purple and scarlet cord. This taught him never to venture out after dark without an escort of Guards colonels following him at a distance, unobserved. He took some heat for this. Roman public opinion did not react badly to Nero’s foreign tour. ii, 68 | sescentosque (sex-Gα‎2β‎2)] sexagenosque Lipsius ibid., sex-aginta eosque Grut. Man. 2 ante omnia instituit ut e libertorum defunctorum bonis pro semisse dextans ei cogeretur qui sine probabili causa eo nomine essent quo fuissent ullae familiae quas ipse contingeret.…, ei cogeretur, qui] {ei} cogeretur si qui Lipsius teste Graev. He also introduced a music competition at Olympia contrary to normal practice. 6 fama est in quiete uisum ab eo iuuenem diuina specie, 21. R's reading suggests that publicarum was lost in β‎ through saut du même au même, then reinserted before privatarumque in the texts that reached ζ‎ and β‎2. 3 ac modo Sporum hortabatur ut lamentari ac plangere inciperet, modo orabat ut se aliquis ad mortem capessendam exemplo iuuaret, interdum segnitiem suam his uerbis increpabat, 'uiuo deformiter, pg 220turpiter—οὐ πρέπει Νέρωνι, οὐ πρέπει—νήφειν δεῖ ἐν τοῖς τοιούτοις—ἄγε ἔγειρε σεαυτόν'‎. In the case of wills, the first two leaves were to be signed by the witnesses while still displaying no more than the testator’s name, and no one writing a will was allowed to include himself among the legatees. As a philhellene, he would much rather watch a good chariot race than see two armed men slice each other up. By the time Vindex was routed at the Battle of Vesontio, the whole empire was somehow in play. Why castigate Nero altogether? 14. The contributions for rebuilding, which he demanded and received, bankrupted individuals and drained the provinces of resources. 13. 9. pr. 2 perfidiae uero tantae ut non modo argentarios pretiis rerum coemptarum sed et in praetura mercede palmarum aurigarios fraudauerit, notatus ob haec et sororis ioco * * * querentibus dominis factionum repraesentanda praemia in posterum sanxit.

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