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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001). Petunia, Harry promises not to do anything, though he understands why. Not one! Isn't he coming with us? [ bends the rifle's end up and Vernon shoots and walks over to Dudley ] Hagrid : Boy, I hasn't seen yeh since you was a baby, Harry, but you're a little bit longer that I expected, especially right in the middle. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley live “perfectly normal” lives. The second is from. Dudley Dursley: Why? Petunia and Vernon, on the other hand, simply decide not to go to James and Lily's wedding. Harry Potter: Because there’s no post on Sundays? British character actor Richard Griffiths came from radio and the classical stage where he built up an early reputation as a Shakespearean clown, with larger-than-life portrayals of Henry VIII, Falstaff in "The Merry Wives of Windsor" and Bottom in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" with the Royal Shakespeare Company being just a few of his standout ... Mon, Oct 12 After lunch, they visit the reptile house. Hagrid: [walks over to Vernon] Dry up, Dursley, you great prune! with people like him, learning from the best headmaster Hogwarts has had: Albus Dumbledore. According to , "Petunia" is a "name for a humble-looking flower with white or pink blossoms." This makes Vernon angry and he and Petunia leave on bad terms. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Vernon Dursley appears in. No, sir. on Dudley Dursley: Harry. Vernon Dursley: Right you are, Harry! This is farewell. Famous before he can walk and talk! Quotes by and about Petunia, Vernon & Dudley Dursley. From Saint Maud to The Wicker Man here are some British horror movies that are certain to keep you looking over your shoulder for weeks to come. That evening, Harry again demands to see his letter. Harry Melling, Actor: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. concepts. ...presents. Teachers and parents! No, sir, not one blasted, miserable… (gets hit with a letter flying out of the fireplace), From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001), Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) Quotes, Listed in: Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), Movies, Picture, Vernon Dursley. The Dursley family, also known as the Dursleys, are recurring minor antagonists in the Harry Potter series. Vernon Dursley: Who? Harry Melling started acting at the age of 10 in the Harry Potter films playing the role of Dudley They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. 8:41 PM PDT character. Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. At school, Harry had no one. ...where he is meant to take an eleven o’clock train from platform nine and three-quarters. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. “He’ll be famous—a legend—I wouldn’t be surprised if today was known as Harry Potter Day in the future—there will be books written about Harry—every child in our world will know his name!”, “Exactly,” said Dumbledore, looking very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. Harry's Muggle aunt, Mrs. Dursley, is "thin and blonde and ha[s] nearly twice the usual amount of neck" (1.2). Mr. Dursley Quotes. No blasted letters today! Mr. Dursley. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is … Instant downloads of all 1360 LitChart PDFs After this final incident. J. K. Rowling. Can’t you see how much better off he’ll be, growing up away from all that until he’s ready to take it?”. Website is optional. ... Vernon Dursley said nothing at all. Vernon Dursley: Why? Instead, The next morning, another letter arrives for Harry, this time addressed to “the smallest bedroom.”. © 2020 Scattered Quotes | ABOUT | PRIVACY POLICY | TERMS AND CONDITIONS | DMCA | AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER. No blasted letters today! A great memorable quote from the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 movie on - Vernon Dursley: This isn't just goodbye, boy, is it? Looking for something to watch? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our, Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Scholastic edition of. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. Her first name is Petunia, which seems like a cruel joke by fate. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." on Harry thinks that he sees the snake roll its eyes at, ...a flat straw hat, and a walking cane. Not one single bloody letter. In my opinion, best day of the week. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things The Dursleys Have Ever Done. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. Why is that, Dudley? Harry, and Ron makes Harry and Hermione promise to visit him over the summer. “It would be enough to turn any boy’s head. They are Harry Potter's last living grumpy relatives, usually seen at the beginning of the books and movies and rarely appearing afterwards. book. ...take Harry for the day while the rest of the family celebrate Dudley’s birthday. Name/Nickname required to comment. No post on Sunday. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. 9:28 PM PDT The first is a wooden flute that Hagrid has whittled. In order to ensure Harry's safety, Albus Dumbledore placed Harry there when he was a baby. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”, LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) Quotes Listed in: Harry Potter , Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) , Movies , Picture , Vernon Dursley Link: ↓ ...back to shore, Harry says that he’s worried about affording his tuition and supplies because, Chapter 6: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.” author. As the family sits down for breakfast, the mail arrives. Harry did not doubt that speech would return to him, and soon — the vein pulsing in his uncles temple was reaching danger point — but something about Dumbledore seemed to have robbed him temporarily of breath. ...dozen eggs that the milkman delivered, pelting out of the fireplace. LitCharts Teacher Editions. (including. No post on Sunday. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Vernon Dursley: Absolutely not. ...its eyes and winks. Richard Griffiths Celebrity Profile - Check out the latest Richard Griffiths photo gallery, biography, pics, pictures, interviews, news, forums and blogs at Rotten Tomatoes! Harry tries to stifle his laughter as. Vernon Dursley Quotes in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone The Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone quotes below are all either spoken by Vernon Dursley or refer to Vernon Dursley. Famous tor something he won’t even remember! They were the last people you’d expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such nonsense. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does.
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