Miss Violet Beauregarde. Violet’s eyes change from green to blue as her face swells up. long. When Wonka opens the door, she is the first to rush through the gate and walks ahead of the competitors. Violet's body didn’t turn entirely blue. at the end of the song Mr Beauregarde runs across stage with a giant Violet who has inflated into a giant ball. Violet is last seen leaving the factory with her mother. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Violet Beauregarde Fan Site!! Violet's mother pushing Violet out of the Inventing Room. Violet is the daughter of greedy Californian talent agent, Eugene Beauregarde and an unknown woman. Even after she becomes a blueberry, she screams for people to help her as she nears the Inventing Room exit and calls out to Wonka in an attempt to stay on the tour, showing that she would rather stay as a blueberry forever than lose the grand prize. During the whole scene, Violet is shown groaning and screaming in fear at her fate, her voice noticeably more muffled and deeper than before, but she is shown to be calmer by the end of her trip. When Veruca questions whether Violet would always be a blueberry, Wonka states his uncertainty before reinforcing his disgust towards gum. When entering the tunnel, she wonders how the Oompa-Loompas knew where they going. Despite this, she’s next seen staring at Veruca and feigning friendship between the two. Quigley Pantano, alla fine del tredicesimo libro, si scoprirà essere scomparso, inghiottito dal Grande Ignoto, e Kit Snicket affermerà di aver sentito la sua voce, o forse quella di suo fratello Duncan urlare il suo nome. When Wonka first shows up, she asks who he is and looks at him awkwardly. She’s the only child in this adaptation with blonde hair. She then hides by the pole living her down. When she sees the welcome performance and its subsequent destruction, she looks at it confusingly. There was no sign of a change in direction. She is, however, quickly shot down by Wonka who points out that, unlike gum, Gobstoppers are not for chewing. she lives in California. I travestimenti di Violet sono i seguenti: Klaus Baudelaire è il mezzano tra i fratelli Baudelaire; ha 12 anni all'inizio della serie (ne compie 13 nel libro Il vile villaggio). Dopo il Conte Olaf, a cui riescono a scappare, verranno affidati a una lunga lista di tutori, tutti poi periti per mano del perfido conte. Most notably, Violet is mostly blue aside from her lips which remain red and some discoloration around her stomach. She is the first to enter the Chocolate Room, and blows a bubble while staring in awe. Immediately Violet is blown away by the gum tasting such foods as tomato soup roast chicken potatoes and gravy Wonka then instructs Violet to spit the gum out but her father contradicts Wonka telling Violet to keep on chewing hoping to profit from Violet being the first person to chew the gum however this changes when Violet hits desert. Violet and her mom outside of the factory. This dreadful girl she sees no wrong... Mr. Bucket reading about Violet's victory. Violet then declares that the gum is "my kind of gum" and removes her own gum. Violet's dad doesn't appear at all in the movie. No, it belonged to Willy Wonka, one that would allow people to … Violet Beauregarde is a sassy girl who is obsessed with gum who meets a rather gruesome end for a young girl in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Musical". Inoltre, nel libro "L'ostile ospedale" Sunny aiuta il fratello Klaus a salvare la sorella Violet dalla finta operazione (craniectomia) che l'avrebbe portata alla morte; spesso, infatti, quando i suoi fratelli sono nei guai è lei che li salva da situazioni pericolose provocate dal conte Olaf. More Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the Musical Wiki. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the Musical Wiki, https://charlieandthechocolatefactorythemusical.fandom.com/wiki/Violet_Beauregarde?oldid=5519, Violet's song was switched form the Double Bubble Duchess to the Queen of Pop for unknown reasons. Both of this imply that she would sacrifice anything, including her health and well-being, just so she could win. Violet is first shown in her families luxury home overlooking the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles California where she is interviewed by Cherry Sundae. Violet is no longer able to move her body and can only rock back and forth. Veruca is visibly happy at Violet's disgusting death. The song builds to a climax and Violet eventually reaches her limits, ending the song with a wet splat as purple goo and confetti rain down, imitating Violet's exploding body and insides raining down. Wonka explains that she has hit "pudding" as her Violet's hips and thighs slowly grow outwards. For Violet as a blueberry, see Violet Beauregarde/Blueberry Gallery. She‘s mostly seen wearing a light blue tracksuit, with blue and white trainers and socks and a blue zipper heart and watch. Wonka orders him to be quick or else she will ferment. When Wonka welcomes them in, she’s the first to walk into the factory after Wonka, and hugs him before introducing herself. Wonka orders Mr Beauregarde to follow the oompas down to the juicing room and scoop whats left of Violet out of thr Pulping-Pont. However Scarlett coldly responds "Yes but you're blue," upset that they had lost the grand prize. Notice how despite being blue, her bottom lip is still red. Scarlett contemplates this idea as music starts playing. She looks around the tunnel at the rooms before Wonka stops the boat in front of the Inventing Room. Upon entering the inventing room Violet quickly shows an interest in the everlasting gobstoppers, believing them to be similar to gum. Mr Bearegarde screams one more time that she exploded. The blueberry juice starts to fill up Violet’s cheeks. Violet ed i suoi fratelli incontrano i trigemini Isadora e Duncan Pantano (L'atroce accademia), divenendo grandi amici. As a blueberry, Violet is significantly different than how she was, as she’s 10 feet tall and has a spheric… Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. She is last seen being pushed out of the Inventing Room onto the candy boat. It‘s also during this interview that the source of Violet's overly competitive nature is shown, as her mother is seen pushing Violet's answers and glorifying her many accomplishments in a very unhealthy way. They use purple confetti representing her sparkles on her suit. She follows right behind Wonka as he introduces the room to everyone and runs off after he tells everyone to enjoy. È un grande appassionato della lettura ed ha una memoria fotografica: si ricorda infatti di qualsiasi cosa legge. Violet Beauregarde is one of the five golden ticket winners who appears in the musical Charlie and the chocolate factory. In the factory Violet quickly alienates herself from Wonka who is less than impressed with her credentials and even less by her attitude when she tells him she is there to win and nothing more Wonka then warns her to "Not jump the gum". Now while the other guests are astounded by this invention, Violet is only really interested in the fact that it is gum so she grabs it and starts to chew despite Wonka's protests that it is not ready. Chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing, chewing all day Violet takes the piece of gum as Wonka then explains that, unlike most other chewing gums, the one just created is actually a full three course dinner all by itself. Wonka orders Violet to get down to the juicing room, Violet runs of stage with her father in tow. Mike is somewhat of an expert when it comes to television, and he’s incredibly smart. The Oompa Loompas then roll Violet to the door, and after seeing where she was going Violet called for help and screamed for Wonka, hoping that someone would heed to her plea to stay on the tour. (1) Violet's cheeks expand during her inflation. Violet is a girl between the ages of 11 and 14 with a curly ponytail. Violet was initially unable to see the change, and she touches her nose in confusion. She doesn't show much excitement compared to the other competitors. multiple times as she pleas for her life.Violet is spun around while lights are flashed on her like a giant disco ball for the Oompa Loompas to dance to . Violet had been completely juiced, but retains both human and blueberry traits - she has newfound flexibility and is still blue. She is played by AnnaSophia Robb. Violet doing karate, showing off one of her many skills. Despite being too wide to fit through the door, during the next scene she’s shown fitting through just perfectly. halfway through the song Violet mostly inflated runs across the stage screaming for help. Violet's fate was foreshadowed a few times. Swelling up. Violet upon noticing that her thighs has begun to inflate. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She then gets transferred into a disco ball. Violet was the third winner of the golden ticket, and is first introduced when Mr. Bucket reads about her in the newspaper. Chewing, chewing all day long She was named after a color in French which is another name for the color ". History Talk (0) Comments Share. At first Violet is blown away by the desert, blueberry pie, however this quickly changes to panic as she see's that her skin has turned a deep shade of blue and what's more her lower body has begun to swell up. Listen close, listen hard, the tale of Violet Beauregarde. Chewing, chewing all day long. Violet near the end of her inflation, her head sucked into her body. Violet ultimately dies in the factory. Grandpa Joe then notes that Violet is swelling up, and Charlie announces that it's like a blueberry as Violet's cheeks swell up, turning her pupils bright blue. Wonka informs the group that she will be succsessfully deflated by the oompa loompas. She ignored Wonka's cautions about chewing the gum because she falsely believed Wonka was testing her grit. When Violet turns into a blueberry, she became worried that she wouldn't be able to compete, but contemplated Veruca's suggestion for putting her in a county fair. Her biggest part of her body is her belly, which had swelled to the point where it protrudes from her shirt. Violet Beauregarde/Blueberry Gallery < Violet Beauregarde. She brags about her accomplishments, specifically about gum, and boasts about how she was going to win the grand prize, because "I'm a winner a winner." Violet's competitive nature to win the final prize was her only real interest for entering the hunt for the golden tickets. Her lips are noticeably still red (See 1), and the area at the center of her stomach is slightly discolored (See 2). The scene then cuts away to her home, where she introduces herself as a gum chewer who switched to chocolate when she heard about Wonka's competition. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Violet's competitive behaviour soon lands her extremely sticky end in the inventing room, after Wonka has presented each of the winners with an everlasting gobstopper Violet proclaims that "Sucking sucks" and she wants to chew instead leading Wonka to present one of his latest inventions a stick of chewing gum that remarkably contained all the nutrients proteins and flavours of a three-course dinner from the 1970s. During the ride down, the camera continuously pans towards her whenever a blue light is shown, foreshadowing her fate. Denise Nickerson, Actress: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. (2) Violet when her expansion is at the fastest. This is a trait that is kept with her as she left the factory. At the mention of the word blueberry the Oompa Loompas drop what they are doing and begin to sing the song "Juicy" where they point out that Violet has gotten her wish as now that she has turned blue she will be known where ever she goes.
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