Web. Authors were Hans Scholl and Alexander Schmorell, though it is possible that Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst contributed to the texts. "National Anthem Of Nazi Germany." 5 Feb. 2017. The imperialist ideology of force, from whatever side it comes, must be shattered for all time. SPIRITS: Though he who has boldly risen from the abyss Through an iron will and cunning May conquer half the world, Yet to the abyss he must return. 05 Feb. 2017. They were typed single-spaced on both sides of a sheet of paper, duplicated, folded into envelopes with neatly typed names and addresses, and mailed as printed matter to people all over Munich. ▶ Bookmark articles to your own reading list Not only did it allow us to review basic information, but it also helped us to better understand that stands they took against Hitler. HOLOCAUST FOR STUDENTS. This digital newspaper from associated newspaper shows how the Nazis were the death machines of Germany. This helped us with the part of our project that features the core members of the White Rose. John Steppling. This book contains the complete interrogation transcripts for Hans and Sophie Scholl, along with "ZC13267" materials for Alexander Schmorell and Willi Graf; evidence the Gestapo collected against them; an analysis of the leaflets by a Gestapo expert (brilliant analysis - for just one moment you forget he was with the Gestapo); the indictments and verdicts; and miscellaneous correspondence. At this juncture only a sound federal system can imbue a weakened Europe with a new life. Dir. When I” ― Inge Scholl, The White Rose: Munich, 1942-1943. Nazi Party. Web. Everywhere and at all times of greatest trial men have appeared, prophets and saints who cherished their freedom, who preached the One God and who His help brought the people to a reversal of their downward course. Shaken and broken, our people behold the loss of the men of Stalingrad. This website gave lots of information on every aspect of our project- the historical content, build up, main event, and impact. This leaflet is most remembered for its assurance that they were not in the pay of a foreign power, and even more so for its ending: We are your bad conscience... 1942. At the Heart of the White Rose N.p., n.d. After all, an end in terror is preferable to terror without end. Senior School Education. This summary of the leaflets (c) 2003 Ruth Hanna Sachs. Nazi Germany: The Face of Tyranny. This encyclopedia helped us to understand our topic better because it gave a summary of who was in the group, what the accomplished, and their impact. Alamy. Photograph. 01 Feb. 2017. MSA Tours. Up until the outbreak of the war the larger part of the German people was blinded; the Nazis did not show themselves in their true aspect. Variant translation: Our People stand shocked in front of the downfall of the men of Stalingrad. We are using these historical photos throughout the background and build up of our project. This digital image, was very helpful to gain more knowledge about how the White Rose members connected in World War II. In the past weeks Hitler has choked up successes in Africa and in Russia. Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead than the living which are yet alive. is inscribed on their banner. We will use pieces of it for our background part of our website. HBU, 15 Nov. 1998. Should hierarchy then... be the principle of the union of states? For us there is but one slogan: fight against the party! The only one available is passive resistance. Now, when in recent years our eyes have been opened, when we know exactly who our adversary is, it is high time to root out this brown horde. N.p., n.d. "White Rose." The author pointed out that they had many impacts on everyone and how they helped the German people. The Apricity Forum: A European Cultural Community. It also included several quotes from Inge Scholl (the sibling of Sophie and Hans.). It gave a great, brief overview of our topic and hit all 3 pieces of important information- background, main event, and impact. Web. In using this digital image towards our project it in the end was very useful in describing how Hitler became a dictator and those who were living in Germany at the time showed their opinions towards this happening. If Europe were about to awaken again, if a state of states, a teaching of political science were at hand! Specifically, it shows the crimes committed against them in their workplaces. Digital image. But if this catastrophe can be used to further the public welfare, it will be only by virtue of the fact that we are cleansed by suffering; that we yearn for the light in the midst of deepest night, summon our strength, and finally help in shaking off the yoke which weighs on our world. "Global Nonviolent Action Database." Web. This website was helpful for learning more about the background of our topic. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, n.d. It also helped with impact because the website also described groups who could’ve been inspired by the White Rose. This encyclopedia impacted what we know on our topic by a lot. Pearls Of Profundity. We also know that one of Hans Scholl's discussions with Traute Lafrenz was memorialized in Leaflet IV. Picture Window Template. September 15, 1935. Web. Hitler Youth Girls, 1937. "Philosophical training" is the name given to the despicable method by which our budding intellectual development is muffled in a fog of empty phrases. For those of you who are completely unfamiliar with the story of the White Rose, one of the best ways to get a feel for their heroism is simply to read what they wrote. Hans and Sophie Scholl: German Resisters of the White Rose. Taking Dictation. "Oh, we've known that for a long time," I hear you object, "and it isn't necessary to bring that to our attention again." There were many different groups that tried to achieve peace instead of the chaos that Hitler put down upon Germany. After all, the presses run continuously to manufacture any desired amount of paper currency. Do not hide your cowardice behind a cloak of expediency, for with every new day that you hesitate, failing to oppose this offspring of Hell, your guilt, as in a parabolic curve, grows higher and higher. Within the United States, Sophie Magdalena Scholl is not the best-known resistance fighter, but her story is a powerful one. Has God not given you the strength, the will to fight? "Electronic Library for Minnesota." By being able to read them in English, this allowed us to get a full understanding of exactly what they were trying to communicate to the German people via their leaflets. From Freidrich Schillerâs The Lawgiving of Lycurgus and Solon: Viewed in relation to its purposes, the law code of Lycurgus is a masterpiece of political science and knowledge of human nature. Yet Hitler feeds with lies those people whose most precious belongings he has stolen and whom he has driven to a meaningless death. He said, "The White Rose delivered the leaflets from one city to another by train. Get out of the lecture rooms of the SS corporals and sergeants and the party bootlickers! Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016. Lipson, Karin. 05 Feb. 2017. Print. No, never! 01 Feb. 2017. We are using this speech in the background section of our website showing the rise of Hitler. Encyclopedia Britannica, 8 June 2015. "The White Rose Movement: Conscience in Silent Nazi Germany. It aims to raise awareness in the UK of the White Rose resistance. N.d. This website helped us to get an idea of the build up and impact of the White Rose. No threat can terrorise us, not even the shutting down of the institutions of higher learning. was our second best source. Blindly they follow their seducers into ruin. Digital image.
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