The postcode is within the Barnhill ward/electoral division, which is in the constituency of Hayes and Harlington. If you wish to enquire about a specific property in this postcode, contact the major suppliers, for instance Virgin Media, BT Broadband and Plusnet. Many poorer areas lack a majority age group, which is due in part to the people in that area being constrained by circumstance rather than being able to choose where to retire, raise a family or grow up. Please consult the NHS Choices website to check if the facility is currently accepting new NHS patients. Please note that the figures may include adjacent streets - see the Summary tab for an explanation and map of the area that these figures cover. Figures for economic activity do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. Across the UK as a whole, the gender split is roughly equal at 49% male, 51% female. Listed here are the 10 closest hospitals to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. The other groups were 1% Welsh, 1.35% Scottish, 0.4% Northern Irish, 0.75% from the Republic of Ireland, 3.75% from other European Union countries, and 9.4% from outside of Europe, with the remainder not stated. Listed here are the 20 closest railway stations to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. For non-urgent queries, contact 101. At the time of the 2011 census, across the UK 22.9% of residents had no qualification, 13.2% had 1-4 GCSEs, 15.2% had 5+ GCSEs and 1-2 A/AS-Levels, 12.3% had 2+ A-Levels, 27.1% had a degree (or similar), and 3.6% had an apprenticeship. I try my best to keep the data accurate and up-to … Only household reference persons between the ages of 16-64 are included. Social Grade approximations are derived from an algorithm created by the Market Research Society. The most popular supplier was Plusnet, based on average scores for value, support, speed, reliability, customer service, security and whether the customer would recommend the supplier. The former Ordinary Levels (O-Levels) and CSEs will be included in the GCSE figures. As whole, the UK population claims itself as approximately 86% white, with residents of this area being 31% so. The nearest is The Warren Practice, approximately 470 yards away. We have found 14 property sales in Shakespeare Avenue since the beginning of 1995. Former Higher School Certificates (HSCs) will be counted as A Levels. The figures are therefore representative of the local area, not a specific street address or row of houses. This postcode has support for Ultrafast broadband at one or more premises. Want to find out which broadband package is right for you? professional qualification (accountancy etc), (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and nearby islands), Contains Ordnance Survey, Royal Mail, National Statistics and Land Registry data, view information for the whole of UB4 here, click here to view demographic information about UB4 as a whole. For more information on Superfast Broadband, see the OpenReach website. The nearest is MONISHA SHARMA, approximately 590 yards away. In this area (Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes), only 48% of the residents were born in England, so the majority of the residents of this area were not born in England. At the time of the 2011 census, approximately 83.5% of the resident population of England were born in England. In general, inner city areas show high concentrations of people aged 18-30, suburbs show larger numbers of small children and adults aged 30-50, and rural and small towns are more popular with older workers and retirees. Listed here are the 10 closest primary schools to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. This data is based on resident aged 16-74 on census day 2011, who were in employment. The data was correct as of the 2011 census, which was a period of depressed economic activity. You can see the area covered by the census statistics by clicking "Show Census Area Covered" below the map above. Listed here are the 10 closest secondary schools to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. See our Data Sources page for more information. HAYNES Postcode (WA) Haynes is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia and is about 26 kms south-southeast of WA's capital city of Perth. Below are the details of the closest services to UB4 0BW. Overall, the UK considers itself to be healthy - 81.1% of residents rated their health as Very Good or Good. Please consult the facility's map page or your preferred route finding/GPS app for driving directions. Please consult the NHS Choices website to check if the facility is currently accepting new NHS patients. If you have any additional information about Postcodes in Hayes, Middlesex, please contact me. The census collection is designed so that each group of postcodes should contain at least 100 people (50 in Scotland). The data may include people living in adjacent addresses to UB4 0BW. Looking for a broadband package? The full breakdown is as follows for the United Kingdom: 47.1% Very Good, 34% Good, 13.3% Fair, 4.3% Bad and 1.3% Very Bad. The information on housing, people, culture, employment and education that is displayed about Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW is based on the last census performed in the UK in 2011. Some 4.8% identify themselves as Muslim, 1.5% Hindu, 0.4% Buddhist, 0.5% Jewish, 0.8% Sikh, and 0.4% as other religions, while the remaining 7.2% did not state their religious views. The postcodes of the other post towns within the Southall postcode area are as follows: However, a sizeable portion of the population (25.1%) claim to have no religion. Listed here are the 10 closest dentists to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. Why not take a look at some of these other postcodes in the immediate vicinity of Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW: Alternatively, click here to view demographic information about UB4 as a whole. This page combines information for the address Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW… Broadband data is based on information provided by the major fixed internet service providers in the UK, including Virgin Media and BT. Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW is within the Barnhill policing neighbourhood, under the Metropolitan Police Service force area. In the UK as a whole, the average figures are approximately as follows for relationship statuses: 34% single, 47% married, 3% separated, 9% divorced, 7% widowed, and 0.2% same sex. As a country with a diverse population, the UK is home to other sizable ethnic groups, with mixed ethnicity (2.1%), Indian (2.4%) and Pakistani (1.9%) being the largest groups reported. England and Wales are primarily Christian countries, with 59.3% of residents Christian. Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes can be considered more ethnically diverse than the UK average. The figures shown are per-household rather than individual - more specifically, the job title and employer of the "household reference person" is used, analogous to what traditionally was called the head of the household. Listed here are the 10 closest GPs (General Practitioners) to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes. They are performed once every 10 years. StreetCheck now offers a handy broadband comparison tool, click the button below to get started. Shakespeare Avenue in Hayes is in the London region of England. Listed here are the 20 closest Tube and Docklands Light Railway stations to Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW. Our data comes directly from the Land Registry, and is updated monthly. The area containing Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes consists predominantly of semi-detached housing, which can be an indicator of an affluent neighbourhood. Note that an individual may hold one or more passports. Click here to view crimes committed near Shakespeare Avenue,, Heathrow Terminals 2 & 3 (Rail Station Only), Ealing and Hounslow PCT Community Dental Service, AB - Higher and intermediate managerial, administrative, or professional positions, C1 - Supervisory, clerical, and junior managerial/administrative/professional positions, DE - Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers; those on state benefit/unemployed, & lowest grade workers. Thanks to a survey[link] performed for Broadband Genie, we can show you the best broadband suppliers in the United Kingdom as of 2019. StreetCheck now offers a handy broadband comparison tool. Our information is available for almost all UK postcodes. UB4 postcode The Hayes postcode town is within the Southall postcode area (also known as the UB postcode area). I try my best to keep the data accurate and up-to-date, but there are often cases where information is either missing or inccurate, so I appreciate all the help I can get. Figures for relationship status do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. You can also view these details on our interactive services map for UB4 0BW. It does not include providers of satellite internet. The information we provide on the website is done so without charge. The figures do not record under- or over-occupancy. However, if you wish to use this data on other websites, or in any other public medium should consult our data sources page for information on how you should correctly attribute the information. Missing/incorrect postcodes in Hayes? The nearest is Hayes Eye Clinic, approximately 740 yards away. Note that occasionally some properties in a postcode may still not be eligible due to conditions on the ground, or the building structure. This address in Hayes and Harlington constituency is broadly in line with those figures, with 51% male. This page combines information for the address Shakespeare Avenue, Hayes, UB4 0BW, e.g. Hayes, VA Covers 1 ZIP Code Hayes, VA Demographic Information * There is no Census data for the city of HAYES, VA. We have pulled information for the ZIP Code 23072 instead.

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