Hinduism is the oldest religion, but I am talking about monotheism. They considered marrying two sisters simultaneously to be a most heinous crime. I.Quoted in in Goel, S. R. (1993). This discovery changes the entire complexion of the history of ancient India. while Indian rulers identified themselves with the local population and established welfare states. Ibn al-Kalbî states that the Arabs were not content with setting up stones for idols, but even took such stones with them on their journeys…”, F. Krenkow in First Encyclopaedia of Islam 1913-1936, Leiden, 1987 Vol. This could not be possible unless they, It is mentioned in the Abadis i.e., the authentic traditions of Prophet Mohammad compiled by Imam, Bukhari that the Indian tribe of Jats had settled in Arabia before Prophet Mohammad’s times.
These references show that even during Prophet Mohammad’s, times Indians retained their influential role in Arabia, which was a dwindling legacy from Vikramaditya’s, The Islamic term ‘Eed-ul-Fitr’ derives from the ‘Eed of Piters’ that is worship of forefathers in Sanskrit, tradition.
Its water is held sacred because it has been traditionally regarded as. This led them to worship what stones they pleased and those which made an impression on them.
( Log Out / Quoted in in Goel, S. R. (1993). The Islamic word Eed for festive days, signifying days of, worship, is therefore a pure Sanskrit word. Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey.
I didn't realize Allah was a Hindu god. Carbon dating confirms similarities of Keeladi and Indus sign language-Another proof of United India-Wrong Aryan Theory. Thank you for the articlee Mr. Chowdary.
Every year they had a festival when they hung on the tree any fine garment they could find and women’s jewels. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. and some of them lived within walled towns practised agriculture and commerce, wroteon wood and stone, feared the gods and honored the kings.”, Some people wrongly believe that Arabs used the word Hindu as a term of contemptuous abuse. Perhaps you'll comment on what I see. This is extremely long and will seem rather obscure. Since the Kaaba has been an important centre of Shiva (Siva) worship from times, immemorial, the Shivaratri festival used to be celebrated there with great gusto. Afghanistan Vimana Disappearing Fact Description? Two of these nine are Saturn and Moon. Encyclopaedias tell us that there are inscriptions on the side of the Kaaba walls. The original word is ‘Arabasthan’. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. There is also a belief that Kaaba stone is Siva Linga and the word Kaaba is derived from ‘Kaabaleswar‘ (Kapaleeshwarar Temple in Chennai). Saraswati is depicted in same way among all vedic descriptions and images. Arabic is known as an Islamic language.
Correct concept is 33 Koti Deva-explained??? Inscriptions about King Vikramaditya are found on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca. (Hinduism is a wrong word. Ibn Ishãq, Sîrat Rasûl Allãh, translated into English by A. Gillaumne, OUP, Karachi, Seventh Impression.Quoted in in Goel, S. R. (1993). This is now displayed in British Museum. Quoted in in Goel, S. R. (1993). A reference to king Vikramaditya comes in an inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca. It housed several idols of pre-Islamic pagan deities of Arabia. Some of them were personifications of abstract ideas, such as jadd (luck), sa‘d (fortunate, auspicious), riDã’ (good-will, favour), wadd (friendship, affection), and manãf (height, highplace). Though there are many proofs found by modern archaeologists that pre-islamic arabia used to follow Vedic religion, , many try to deny it.
His carriage was called “Pushpaka”, meaning “butter-fly- […], Marvelous Explanation Shiva Lingam – Some Scientific TruthsIn the Nirgun-Sagun state Shiva is worshiped as the Shivalingam (Contrary to the rumors spread by our Islamic brothers that Shivalingam is the male genital the fact is that Shivalingam has a deep and scientific theory and philosophy).A glance at the rounded, elliptical, an-iconic image of Shivalingam […], HINDU CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNIQUES IN 8000BCE? “…Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Dravidian’s. It is divided into three parts. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. ], Since Eed means worship and Griha means ‘house’, the Islamic word Idgah signifies a ‘House of worship’, which is the exact Sanskrit connotation of the term. — Muhammad Shukri al-Alusi, Bulugh al-'Arab fi Ahwal al-'Arab, Vol.
When the king agreed they commanded a black dog to come out of it and killed it-at least this is what the Yamanites say. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. क्या आप 1500 वर्ष पुराने सोमनाथ मंदिर के प्रांगण में खड़े बाणस्तम्भ की विलक्षणता के विषय मे जानते हैं?‘इतिहास’ बडा चमत्कारी विषय है। इसको खोजते खोजते हमारा सामना ऐसे स्थिति से होता है, की हम आश्चर्य में पड जाते हैं। पहले हम स्वयं से पूछते हैं, यह कैसे संभव है..?डेढ़ हजार वर्ष पहले इतना उन्नत और अत्याधुनिक ज्ञान हम भारतीयों के पास था, इस पर विश्वास ही नहीं होता […], What was probably the first non-stop flight was made not from New York to Paris but from Ceylon to a place near modern Delhi, if the records are correct.According to the Sanskrit epic, Ramayana, a story many centuries older than the Greek epics, an Indian king made this trip in a balloon in five days. (based on the Vedas, the Hindu sacred scriptures)) way of life in Arabia. All Arabic copies of the Koran have the mysterious figure 786 imprinted on them . The two rabbis told Tubba‘ that it was merely a shayTãn which deceived them in this way and they asked to be allowed to deal with it. In no other mosque does the, circumambulation prevail. You, don't get it do you Hindu?
Haplogroup J-P209[Phylogenetics 1] is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The word MESH in the Hindu zodiac signifies a lamb. As a baby, Muhammad was suckled by a desert woman, Halîma. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. That anthology was compiled from an earlier work in A.D. 1742 under the orders of, The pages of that volume are of Hareer – a kind of silk used for writing on. They also censured anyone who married his stepmother, and called him dhaizan. Hindu temples: What happened to them. Anyone who knows Sanskrit can try reading the symbol for "OM" backwards in the Arabic way and magically the numbers 786 will appear!
Hubbol, Al … that pre-Islamic Arabia was in fact a flourishing civilization which revered Vedic culture. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account.
2, p. 122, “These Arabian deities, which were of diverse nature, fell into different categories. The people of pre-Islamic Arabia held Hinduism in great esteem as, evidenced from the fact that they would endearingly call their most attractive and favourite daughters as, .
In Sanskrit, language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. The ecstatic rites of her worship were alien to the Roman temperament. Today the Arabian countries completely follow Islam religion. Since that symbol. Inscriptions about King Vikramaditya are found on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca. Pre-Islamic Arabia (Arabic: شبه الجزيرة العربية قبل الإسلام) is the Arabian Peninsula prior to the emergence of Islam in 610 CE.. Learn how your comment data is processed. This temple gets its name from Kapalam (head) and eeshwarar an alias of Siva. This symbol is in reference to the idea that it is Lord Vishnu who is the source of the light for the sun and the moon. Muslims circumambulate the Kaaba counterclockwise seven times (just like vedic religion followers do it in temples). The third part deals with later poets up to the end of Khalif, Abu Amir Asamai, an Arabian bard who was the poet Laureate of Harun-al-Rashid’s court, has compiled, The first modern edition of ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ was printed and published in Berlin in 1864. Isn't it hilarious that some Bedouin is comparing a country that no one has even heard of to Persian culture? But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost, in sensual pleasures. A multi-armed deity (holding a book or Vedas, an axe, drum, bunch of incense sticks, a lotus bud and a mouse) and the hexagonal platform on which he sits, certainly shows the Vedic influence. In this article, I will prove to you point by point. The ideograms for Kubaba in the Hittite alphabet are a lozenge or cube, a double-headed axe, a. dove, a vase and a door or gate – all images of the goddess in neolithic Europe. Sharif, Lahore, 1961, Vol. Sanskrit words Nama and Yaja (which meant "bowing and worshipping" respectively) into a combination word Namaz and used that to describe his prescribed method of prayer. Each page has a decorative, gilded border. It is an established fact that Muhammad was illiterate therefore it is obvious that he would not be able to differentiate numbers from letters. These u-shaped Vaishnav marks can be found among stauch followers of Vishnu or his avatars (incarnations) like Ram, Krishna etc even today in india. Hazrat Ayesha, wife of the Prophet, was taken ill, her nephew sent for a Jat physician for her treatment. Since in, ancient times the year used to begin with the entry of the sun in Aries, the occasion was celebrated with. E v i l. I consider Islam to be the antithesis of Judaism & Christianity because the story's different; & the god was created in the image of a madman; while the Hebrew Bible has a few passages but is an historical book, not a lawbook like quran & hadiths.
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