Because the games are sourced worldwide, if there is an issue with a missing component you will have to reach out to the specific publisher. Finally, shifting sand cards give the players rather strong immediate advantages when they place a Targi on them — but since these shifting sands are placed next to the central playing area, you lose an intersection on the central cards. She starts in the opposite direction of the robber and moves each turn one edge card. With water as a new element, the tribe has more flexibility in how it will extend itself. The Targia — a Tuareg woman — is a special pawn like the robber, but has a more positive effect for players. Description The expansion of the tribe goes on in Targi: Die Erweiterung, an expansion for Targi. Global shipping options from a variety of carriers! In this expansion, the original gameplay is both expanded and improved with many new cards, tokens, and a special Targia figure The Targia figure presents an exciting twist by offering new benefits to the border cards Water tokens present a host of refreshing new possibilities Sand dune cards allow a Targi to gain a unique advantage TGG Games has a no return/order cancellation policy. More … When Pre-Orders are placed on our website, we use that information to partner with the specific publishers to acquire the games you purchased. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information. We offer every major payment method with 100% security confidence! TGG Games is the publishing company of The Gaming Goat retail/logistics chain. Synopsis The expansion of the tribe goes on in Targi: Die Erweiterung, an expansion for Targi. When you place one of your Targi on the same card, you receive a favor: Either take a goods token of your choice or spend one good to reveal the top card from the draw pile and receive what it shows. More specifically, in the game water functions like a joker, e.g., you can swap two water tokens for any one goods token. More specifically, in the game water functions like a joker, e.g., you can swap two water tokens for any one goods token. Many of these games are sourced through Kickstarter in partnership with very small publishing companies. More specifically, in the game water functions like a joker, e.g., you can swap two water tokens for any one goods token. Want to publish your game with TGG Games. Product Weight (kg) 0.5 In this expansion, the original gameplay is both expanded and improved with new tribe cards, border cards, sand dune cards, water tokens, and a special Targia pawn — all of which combine to make a great game even better. Many of the new tribe cards, which replace the set in the base game, allow players to choose to spend gold or water tokens, which can make it a little easier to build. Description The expansion of the tribe goes on in Targi: Die Erweiterung, an expansion for Targi. More specifically, in the game water functions like a joker, e.g., you can swap two water tokens for any one goods token. With water as a new element, the tribe has more flexibility in how it will extend itself.

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