As above, the word "temporalis" comes from the Latin word "tempus" meaning "time". Its origin point spans the entire surface of the fossa below the temporal line. The posterior portion has fibers which run horizontally and contraction of this portion results in retrusion of the mandible. Moore, K. L., Dalley, A. F., & Agur, A. M. R. (2014). The lateral pterygoid muscle, although not readily palpated, is associated with pain deep into the temporomandibular joint and maxillary sinus region. As a person opens their mouth and then bites down on a piece of food, the temporalis muscle contracts, causing the lower jaw to elevate and the jaws to close down. Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck, Fehrenbach and Herring, Elsevier, 2012, page 98, Human Anatomy, Jacobs, Elsevier, 2008, page 194. All rights reserved. The temporalis attaches to the coronoid process of the mandible (lower jaw) and the temporal bone of… No special precautions are required, although advancing the needle too deeply engages bone and damages the needle. Clinically Oriented Anatomy (7th ed.). Harvesting only the superficial portion of muscle minimizes the contour defect in the temporal region. The temporal muscle is covered by the temporal fascia, also known as the temporal aponeurosis. Temporalis muscle and fascia have been the most commonly used flap to provide a soft tissue interposition in gap arthroplasty, as well as in cases of TMJ reconstruction.76 The flap is inferiorly based on a deep temporal artery and can be rotated over zygomatic arch into the joint, with muscle facing condylar surface. The temporal muscle can be divided into two functional parts; anterior and posterior. The resultant tissue defect above the zygoma can be ameliorated with commercially available or harvested tissue. Instruct the patient to forcefully open the jaw and then move the jaw laterally back and forth. For example, Australopithecus robustus, an early hominid, had a large zygomatic arch,…, The temporalis muscle is the major adductor (closer) of the reptilian jaw. The scalp and lip/cheek incision sites are infiltrated with a solution of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine to improve hemostasis. The muscle flap is readily combined with grafts of bone, cartilage, and skin. pg 41., "Myotendinous rupture of temporalis muscle: A rare injury following seizure",,,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [4], When lower dentures are fitted, they should not extend into the retromolar fossa to prevent trauma of the mucosa due to the contraction of the temporalis muscle. Deep fibers in the mid region of the temporalis may refer pain to the maxilla and TMJ. The temporalis muscle receives its blood supply from the deep temporal branches of the maxillary artery and middle temporal branches of the superficial temporal artery. [3], The temporalis is likely to be involved in jaw pain and headaches. Within the temporalis muscle, the venous network closely follows the arterial distribution. Bradley and Brockbank showed that skin grafting was not essential with this flap because of rapid mucosalization.117 However, we have been disappointed with the dimensional stability of the flap in such instances. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Services. When an immediate reconstruction of the facial nerve is impossible, static fascial slings or muscle transpositions are indicated. The artery then follows the posterior and upper edge of the temporal fossa, performing a lateral convex bow. The rich blood supply of the muscle supports these grafts and alloplasts well. Michael R. Markiewicz, ... Rui P. Fernandes, in Maxillofacial Surgery (Third Edition), 2017, The origin of the temporalis muscle is along the surface of the lateral skull at the temporal line. Anatomy and human movement: structure and function (6th ed.). When doing so, the masseteric artery must be protected. The posterior deep temporal artery, another branch of the internal maxillary artery, enters the muscle at its inferior-medial aspect. after a mandibular fracture). The temporalis muscle originates from the temporal fossa and the temporal fascia. The temporalis muscle covers the temporal fossa with its deep surface. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. If possible, contour defect of the donor site area is avoided by harvesting only the necessary amount of muscle. The temporalis muscle is a broad muscle that occupies most of the temporal fossa. Attachments of Temporalis Muscle: Origin & Insertion. Superior retraction after resection of mandibular coronoid process provides the widest exposure of the infratemporal fossa, but at the expense of denervation and devascularization of the temporal muscle.11 The more commonly performed inferior retraction results in a more limited infratemporal exposure but has significant cosmetic benefits. Lateral Pterygoid Muscle: Trigger Point & Innervation, Quiz & Worksheet - Temporal Muscle Anatomy, Over 79,000 lessons in all major subjects, {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}}, Tensor Tympani Muscle: Definition, Function & Nerve, Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle: Function, Origin & Insertion, Mentalis Muscle: Innervation, Origin & Insertion, Mentalis Muscle: Definition, Function & Location, Buccinator Muscle: Function, Origin & Insertion, Orbicularis Oris: Definition, Innervation & Function, Orbicularis Oris: Action, Origin & Insertion, What Does the Risorius Muscle Do? Remaining superficial to the superficial musculoaponeurotic system protects underlying facial nerve branches, which is particularly important in patients with some intact facial function or in whom a chance exists for spontaneous recovery or for whom a facial nerve reinnervation procedure is planned. Regarding the temporalis muscle: in English, this muscle’s name is the time muscle. The initial incision is made to the level of the deep temporal fascia. 63-4). In anatomy, the temporal muscle, also known as the temporalis, is one of the muscles of mastication. Action After removal of the tumor, the middle fossa was reconstructed with vascularized temporal muscular and fascial flaps in separate layers. Trigger points in the anterior and intermediate fibers are palpated just above the upper border of the zygomatic arch. Carefully consider the use of alloplasts in patients who have been previously operated on or irradiated. The main function of this muscle is to produce the movements of the mandible at the temporomandibular joint and thus facilitate the act of mastication. The temporalis muscle has three muscle-fiber regions that may refer pain to the maxillary teeth and/or ipsilateral midface, sometimes mimicking sinus disease. Adam Fisch, in Nerves and Nerve Injuries, 2015. The temporalis tendon insertion can be visualized in the sagittal plane (long axis) in both the open‐ and closed‐mouth positions but is best visualized in the axial plane (short axis) in the open‐mouth projection, which is optimal for injection (Figure 3). The flap is rotated over or under the zygomatic arch as required to cover the whole of the glenoid fossa and sutured anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly. Grafting of the facial nerve involves a longer recovery period, however. Additionally, rupture of the myotendinous insertion of the temporalis can occur due to … Meridel I. Gatterman, Bonnie L. McDowell, in Whiplash, 2012. How Do I Use's Assign Lesson Feature? Woelfel's dental anatomy: Its relevance to dentistry. This large, fan-shaped muscle is located on the lateral aspect of the skull. The temporal muscle, or temporalis muscle, is one of several chewing muscles that is necessary for crushing and grinding objects between the molars. There, it may be attached to a sagittal crest, as can be seen in early hominins such as Paranthropus aethiopicus. The temporalis muscle flap continues to provide the maxillofacial reconstructive surgeon with a robust local flap applicable to a wide variety of defects in the lateral face and maxilla. This muscle's action is to move the mandible up, back, and side-to-side. Superficial injections are performed into the thinner upper regions of the muscle in a fan shape. In human evolution the zygomatic arch has tended to become more gracile (slender). In this area, there are two superficial fascia layers with fat in between, where the muscle is deeper. Dissection in this plane is generally bloodless. The temporalis also retracts … The temporalis muscle is raised from the skull by dividing its fascial origins above the temporal line. The muscle is located inside the temporal fossa. When the trigger points are in the anterior portion of the muscle, they refer pain along the supraorbital ridge and downward to the incisor teeth (Figure 6-18A). The middle temporal artery arises from the superficial temporal artery and enters the posterior part of the muscle near the upper insertion of the ear. [3] In other mammals, the muscle usually spans the dorsal part of the skull all the way up to the medial line. If the muscle is split in the coronal plane, the posterior portion of the muscle is transposed anteriorly. Learn this topic from scratch, or identify holes in your existing knowledge, with these interactive exam-style anatomy quizzes. During a seizure the contralateral temporalis muscle can enter spastic paralysis, this clenching in extreme cases can lead to a rupture specifically on the myotendinous insertion at the coronoid process of the mandible.[5]. The temporalis attaches to the coronoid process of the mandible (lower jaw) and the temporal bone of…. MRI revealed the middle fossa tumor extending to the infratemporal fossa through the foramen ovale (Fig. The temporalis muscle attaches above to the bone and fascia in the temporal fossa, superior to the zygomatic arch, and below to the coronoid process of the mandible and along the mandibular ramus (Figure 6-17). You can test out of the Only the quantity of muscle necessary for reconstruction is harvested, disturbing the remaining muscle as little as possible. In mammals the temporalis is divided into a deep temporalis proper and a more superficial masseter muscle. In this lesson, learn about the action, innervation, and origin of the temporalis muscle. Not sure what college you want to attend yet? just create an account. The temporalis originates at the temporal fossa up to the inferior temporal line and the zygomatic bone. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Medial Pterygoid Muscle (Insertion, Origin, Actions & Innervations); explained beautifully in an illustrated and interactive way. 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