All you need to do is show 'em again! - Animal: Urgent! Welcome to the Disney Muppets homepage. Kermit: Don't worry, Fozzie. - Jack: We're not a team! - Kermit: What, to kidnap people? [laughs] All right, party of one, follow me. He won. ♪ - Kermit: Veronica... - Veronica: Where's the audience? Swedish Chef: [gibberish] - [♪Starship: "We Built This City"] Floyd: You know what to do. Piggy: All right, all right, don't crowd me! Miss Poogy: Hey, Richman! - Kermit: Hey, Scooter? Kermit: It's true, Piggy. Mary: ♪It's time to meet the Muppets... ♪ What are you doing? - [playing piano] - Deadly: Hmm? - Scooter: Then you come out and introduce Fozzie. Gary: Oh, um, just a couple hours now. Fozzie: I could break out the fart shoes. - [both laugh] - Waldorf: It's nice doing business with you. last-minute triumph, right, Kermit? Well, you don't happen to have a number where I could reach... - [dial tone] - Kermit: Hello? ♪ Gary: ♪I'm a Muppet-y man ♪ Walter: Miss Piggy! ♪And some choose to believe it ♪ - Piggy, froggy! Tex: Deadly! [man] I just thought - Gary: Walter. [panting] Announcer: (offscreen.) You can't even say, "I need you," can you? ♪ ♪What's the right direction to go? Walter: [gasps] Oh, Gary! [vocalizing] - ♪Life's a piece of cake ♪ - Gary: ♪With someone to give ♪ - Veronica: And two, you need a celebrity host. Mary: Well, we're still on for dinner Friday, right? Walter, where are you, buddy? All right, good luck, everyone, and cue Scooter. ♪Nothin' that I can't be ♪ Once I waited a whole year for September. It's probably from the dance number I was doing. 80's Robot: Bummer. 80's Robot: You have reached your destination. [announcer] The Muppet Telethon will return after these messages. Walter: Yeah, so then, when he thought they were alone, he said, And now, ladies and gentlemen, - Walter: No, uh, the other gift. - and something about saving a theater. Walter: ...there's still... Kermit: So nice to see you, Veronica. - Mary: This is going to be a really short movie. does not preclude the fact that in my heart, ♪Or am I a Muppet? ♪Released we was all on the cover of Newsweek ♪ Jack: I'm being held captive by these weirdos! - [cheering] - Walter: I got it! [all] Oh... - Gonzo: And, you, send the 28,000 tons what's the bear capital of the world? Whoa! Gary: I don't know, buddy. Gary: What're you waiting for, buddy? ♪ ♪He'll ride up on a steed Get down on one knee ♪ We have two minutes! We're doing things my way from now on. And more importantly, the geological survey says there definitely is. You have to try. It's gonna be a big one! - Kermit: Well, yeah, listen. Walter: What... What happened to this place? Whoa! Enjoy your anniversary dinner. Call 'em. - Mary: So where do we go first? ♪Would anybody watch or even care? ♪Stoppin' me Nothin' that I can't be ♪ - Fozzie: They terrify me. - No. Gary: Well, um, you know what? Piggy: No. Tex: Maniacal laugh. Jack: It's my trigger word, too. Animal Angel: No drum. - ♪Yeah ♪ - Jack: Ow, that was hot! This is important. (as Richman) "There's oil under this studio, see. Hobo Joe: Man, this 3-D is incredible! Gonzo: Whoa, where you going? OK, well, I guess you guys are it for today. [cheering] Piggy: Let's share our happiness with ten of the world's largest news publications. ♪Is there more I could've said? Mary: It's OK. Come on! ♪ Tex: Ah, those Muppets. ♪When it's just you Well, times can be tough ♪ - I've got 30 seconds. - Kermit: Scooter, is everybody here? Uh, hi there. Could you come to our celebrity telethon this weekend? - Tex: You see, Muppets, according to this contract, - I have not signed off on this! - Tex: Maniacal laugh. Tex: Gentlemen, please! Walter: Thank you. So the answer's no. Kermit: Hey, Gary, Mary, how'd you guys get here so fast? Aren't you gonna join us? Hey! How are you enjoying your time alone? ♪Now I understand who I am ♪ Kermit: Piggy? Gary: No, it wasn't! - [laughing] - [growling] Fozzie: But, Kermit, what's more illegal, briefly inconveniencing Jack Black, GARY: Is anyone hurt? - Walter: We can't give up, Gary. Let's dance. [theme music plays] - Kermit: Oh, and by the way, folks, - Oh, hey, Gary. 'Cause I was thinking that maybe we could start at Fozzie's Joke Room, but... Sweetums: Hey, guys, we got us some money! Gonzo: Uh-oh! - FOZZIE: What am I thinking? ♪Goodbye to Rosie the queen of Corona ♪ ♪We built this city ♪ [all] To Paris! - [laughter] Kermit: And you. Yeah, yeah, good job! You awake? Walter: See? Scooter: Oh, uh, it's you, chief! the continuing story of... And now, "Pigs in Space!" those princesses of poultry, Camilla and friends! You're my hero. - Walter: Yes! I'm not with him! - Kermit: Children? Kermit: we're trying to get the old gang back together again. Chickens: (CLUCKING) Muppets: We're doing a sequel There's no need to disguise Miss Piggy: The studio considers us a viable franchise WALTER: ...even on the worst days, I knew... I need your help. Ahem. - Mm-mm-mm. Scooter, who's up first? If you look inside yourself, I'm sure you'll find something that you're really good at. Muppet news flash. - Veronica: ♪Mahna mahna ♪ - ♪Doo doo doo doo ♪ And I'm telling you to leave. Veronica: I knew you guys weren't popular anymore. - Mm-hm. [announcer] Ladies and gentlemen, ♪Who'd have thought your smorgasbord would be hard to live without? JACK: Stop cleaning me! Uh, race you home! ♪With you right here next to me ♪ I've been mugged. Kermit on TV: It's The Muppet Show, with our very special guest star, Mr. Steve Martin! You know, he's about to buy our old Muppet Show theater ♪Doo doo doo Doo doo doo Doo doo doo doo ♪ Wait! KERMIT: Ladies and gentlemen, Jack Black! The Frog. [humming] - ♪Life is full of glee ♪ - ♪With someone to saw ♪ WALTER: Oh, don't get me wrong. Point is that studio and that oil belong to me. - ♪Mahna mahna ♪ - ♪Do doo, do doo doo ♪ WALTER: She wasn't very nice. [coughing] Like there's a country called Turkey. Oh! - ♪Life's a piece of pie ♪ Gary: Because... you're coming with us! Good day! Scooter: Uh, Bunsen can set Beaker on fire. Please! Mary: ♪Everything's great Everything's grand ♪ Piggy: Kermit, listen. "I Did It Again" is a Sesame Street song about perseverance and practice featured in Episode 1972. - Gary: Have a good break, guys. Oh! - Kermit: As I was trying to say... - Fozzie: Evil oil baron. Ah! Some of 'em literally. Mary: ♪I look around, and once again I'm on my own ♪ [sighs] Kermit: Oh. - Walter Human: ♪Very manly Muppet ♪ - Walter: ♪Am I a Muppet? - I'm okay! Let's go take a look. Show! Floyd: We can't keep time without the drums, man! We have Muppets standing by to take your calls. - [all sigh] - Fozzie: Oh, yeah. Is you. - Bobo: Oh, I am so sorry. that none of this would have happened without you, so thank you. - Walter: No, no. is to raise $10,000,000 Isn't that great? - Okay? Gary: You excited for our big trip to LA? I said some things I regret. Kermit: Anyhow, looks like we got everybody, - Tex: ♪Mahna mahna ♪ - Jack: ♪Do doo doo doo doo ♪ - Walter: Wow, Muppet Studios. [])), +((!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![])+(+!![])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(+!![]))/+((!+[]+(!![])+!![]+[])+(!+[]-(!![]))+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![]+!![])+(+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])-[])+(!+[]+(!![])+!![]+!![]+!![])+(!+[]+(!![])-[])+(!+[]+(!! Mary, Walter and I, well, we would be happy to help you rebuild the theater. People are actually watching this? - Spring break. - I love you so much. Walter: ♪If I'm a Muppet Well, I'm a very manly Muppet ♪ [babbling] - [music plays] - [inhales] - [all cheering] Veronica: You? ALL: ♪Can we do it all again? - Fozzie: Let's talk in my dressing room. - Miss Poogy: Ooh, I love that show. Fozzie: I wish she'd shot a little more curvy. [both grunt] ♪ It kinda makes me feel better, honestly. ♪I don't know where I'm going ♪ - [man] OK, they're gone! Kermit: Well, we can't do the show without power. most transparently bringing me down. Oh, he moved, huh? Gonzo: It's our executive line of used toilets. - Tex: Maniacal laugh. KERMIT: Ladies and gentlemen, Walter! - Gary: What? Piggy: Now, the frog's gone. - Gonzo: Uh... Kermit? - [gunfire, police siren] Fozzie: Oh. Uh, hey, so, uh, when are you guys leaving today? ♪ Gary: I know, but it's getting really late. One is the new two ♪ [screaming] - Kermit: Not now, Fozzie. - Kermit: Ice cream? - ♪Mahna mahna ♪ - ♪Do doo... ♪ I am woman! Fozzie: Hello. Wait for me! Yes. [laughing] [screeching] [gasping] - FLOYD: Animal, heel! Walter, buddy? If it has to do with the cast of Sesame Street showing up in Family Christmas and the wedding scene of Manhattan (Disney doesn’t own the SS muppets), I call BS on that because Big Bird has a cameo in the original Muppet Movie. Why can't you accept that about me? I have a whole new show-biz family that loves me. [scraping] ♪I got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand ♪ Sam: Welcome to this week's edition Piggy: Just remember, Kermit, I cannot be replaced. No drum! - Walter: Early September? Anyway, welcome to the original Muppet Studio, Have a good day. Walter: I guess you could say I was their number one fan. Deadly: Halt! All your favorite Muppets — you have favorite Muppets, I trust — are here, in new and old-but-remodeled situations. - No. Hobo Joe: Why does everybody forget about Hobo Joe? Doh! ♪No marriage certificate is needed ♪ [])). Living the dream! [applause] but my brother Walter has some really disturbing news for you. - Gary: Miss... - Kermit: All done here! - Sweetums: Um, yes! It's not perfect. - [all shouting] - Piggy: Where did you learn to drive? with The Muppets Again. Who cancelled the maid service? Thank you. Jack: Oh, hey, Animal. So I say, fine, let's just start at the bottom and work our way back up to the top. ROWLF: Come on, Walter! KERMIT: Yeah. - Wocka wocka. Muppets! It looks like we're going to get our studio back! - Piggy: You look familiar. Fozzie: I didn't do it. No drums! Gary: OK, this is awesome. How'd they get the power back? ♪I got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand ♪ - Ready for some kind of entertainment! Kermit: Yes, Fozzie, I was about to. [murmuring] - Hello? Gary: Walter, how many times do we have to go over this? Tex: You artists formerly known as the Muppets are standing on private property. - Sweet, sweet oil, see!" And if su... KERMIT: Ladies and gentlemen, don't be alarmed. Jack: Stop it! Kermit: Come on, guys. I beat you. What am I gonna do? Change of heart. [rhythmically brushing] Scooter: Yeah, well, we'll see you out there! - That was so fun! You're ruining my look! - Deadly: It's an idiom, you idiot, Yeah, she wanted to do something special for this anniversary,

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