The file is accessible but more improvements are possible. The collaboration toolbar (at the top of the right-hand pane) contains: The content area is the main presentation window that can be used to load presentations on to, conduct a Web Tour or operate as a Whiteboard. To share files as a student, your instructor must first change your role to either 'moderator' or 'presenter'. In the example above, it appears the PDF document uploaded has a low accessibility score. For support on setting up Blackboard Ultra please contact External TELT Support. Recipients of your messages will be able to click the links to open the link in your default browser. such as talking, using the chat facility or using the various functions of the content area e.g. Your permissions and current activity are displayed alongside your name. The state of video activity and permissions can be monitored using the indicators displayed in the participants list. Raise your hand. Moderators should ask particiants to only click the Talk or Video buttons to activate their webcam and/or microphone when it is specifically required and then turn them off again when they have finished broadcasting. Depending on how well your document has been created to address accessibility, coloured icons will appear which correlate to an accessibility percentage score. Your instructor may choose to record the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra sessions, however recordings are only available after the session is complete. This panel also contains a toolbar toolbar with buttons that allow you to raise your hand or stepping away from the session. information on the Home page using the ‘Personalise Page’ drop-down arrows. View your connection speed with the session, Set your status to 'Away' to let others know, Open the Collaborate panel and drag-and-drop the, Whiteboard: Your instructor can use a whiteboard to illustrate certain ideas that are discussed. In the "Settings" tab, there is a "Set up your camera and microphone" option which allows you to change your audio and video sources. For known Blackboard Ultra issues, please click here. You also have an option to view the alternative file formats available for students to download. There are several tools at the bottom of the screen that you can use: Note: Some of these tools can be disabled by your instructor. Teaching Remotely SharePoint site for teaching staff. You can use the participants screen to view all participants in the session and their current 'raise hands' or 'feedback' status. If you want to access the features such as sharing your voice and video, you will need the following: The first time you enter a Collaborate session, you are asked to provide permission to access your microphone and/or camera. If this is active, you can switch groups by: You can choose to chat with the people in your group or to everyone in the session, to do this: You can leave a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session by: Note: If you close the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session's tab or window, you will be treated as inactive and soon automatically removed from the room. The Whiteboard and the other two content modes, Application Sharing and Web Tour, can be accessed from the Collaboration toolbar. You, your peers and the instructor can interact in these sessions via voice, chat, video and other features such as screen sharing or interactive whiteboard. The colour of the indicator icons changes if there are delays in the transmission or receipt of video. Note: Content shared in a breakout group is not available when breakout groups end. See the new and improved UNSW IT website for all IT support and services. The PARTICIPANTS panel displays the moderators in the session followed by the participants. Blackboard Ally is an additional service within Moodle which produces an accessibility score for each file you upload to your course. When a new private conversation is started by you or by someone else a new conversation tab is added to the bottom of the chat panel. The first time you enter a Collaborate session, you will be prompted to test your audio and video sources. Table, heading, paragraph, etc.) UNSW CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G, TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12055, ABN: 57 195 873 179 Teaching at UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia Telephone 9385 5989 Footer menu Teaching at UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia Telephone 9385 5989, Page last updated: Tuesday 13 August 2019, Towards 2025: Strategic goals and priorities, Gathering evidence of your teaching practice, Details: Blackboard Learn will be no longer be publicly available to staff and students. UNSW Blackboard Information . Polling: Your instructor can ask you to provide your input through a poll during the session. Note: Breakout group interactions aren't captured in session recordings. UNSW CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G, TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12055, ABN: 57 195 873 179 You can still see and hear the session but others won't expect you to interact in the session. The Blackboard Collaborate interface contains the following elements. When a participant submits a new chat message to a conversation a new message icon displays in its tab. whiteboard use or application sharing. It is used to give presentations, e.g. This section has all the details to help you fix the accessibility. The University of South Wales is a registered charity. Top level headers should be Header 1. You can access the majority of the functionality of Blackboard Collaborate using the menus. Students can view/download all their available recordings by navigating through the recordings tab on the Blackboard Collaborate site.

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