Prior to the issuance of certificates for use of occupancy or final signoff by the Public Works Department, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of Public Works, that the preparer of the WQMP has reviewed the BMP maintenance requirements in Section V of the WQMP with the responsible person and that a copy of the WQMP has been provided to that person. Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs)Your project may be subject to additional requirements if it: Replaces or adds 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface, or increases impervious surface by 10% or more, and, • Is directly adjacent to (located within 200 feet) or is discharging directly into an ESA, defined as an area such as those coastal areas designated in the Ocean Plan as an Area of Special Biological Significance, preserves or their equivalent under the Natural Communities Conservation Program (NCCP) or a water body listed on the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list of impaired waters. Please click here for a map of Environmentally Sensitive Areas (as defined in the MS4 Permits) in Orange County. City of Orange Non-priority Project WQMP Template (PDF), City of Orange Priority Project WQMP Template (PDF), Technical Guidance Document with Appendices (PDF), City of Orange Non-priority Project WQMP Template (DOC), City of Orange Priority Project WQMP Template (DOC), OC BMP Design Updated - 120 Curb Cut Inlet for Planters, OC BMP Design Updated - 121 Curb Cut Inlet for Side Slopes, OC BMP Design Updated - 122 Curb Inlet with Dissipator, OC BMP Design Updated - 150 Impermeable Layer, OC BMP Design Updated - Bioretention No Underdrain 1, OC BMP Design Updated - Bioretention No Underdrain 2, OC BMP Design Updated - Bioretention No Underdrain 3, OC BMP Design Updated - Bioretention with Underdrain 1, OC BMP Design Updated - Bioretention with Underdrain 2, OC BMP Design Updated - Bioretention with Underdrain 3, OC BMP Design Updated - Infiltration Trench, City of Orange Drainage Areas and Water Recharge Facilities (PDF). Each project proponent must implement a program that requires and confirms structural BMPs on all Priority Development Projects are designed, constructed, and maintained to remove pollutants in storm water to meet the criteria set forth in Model WQMP, TGD, and HMP, accessible at the links below. Go to the city website in which your project is located and you will be able to access their WQMP template. The policies that apply to the County of Orange Official Web Portal may not be the same as the terms of use for other web sites. Click on banner for Covid-19 updates. Contain all proposed Low Impact Development Design BMP details and calculations. Hydromodification control criteria are described in the TGD and HMP, linked above. The policies that apply to the County of Orange Official Web Portal may not be the same as the terms of use for other web sites. The Orange County Stormwater Program has developed this Non-Priority Project Water Quality Checklist for new development / significant redevelopment projects in the San Diego Permit Region classified as Non-Priority Projects. City Hall Is Operating Regular Business Hours. The goal of hydromodification control is to integrate hydrologic controls into a proposed project such that the flow duration curve corresponding to the post project condition agrees with the baseline condition curve over the range of flows of interest. Water Quality Management Plan The WQMP should be prepared based on the 2011 Orange County Model WQMP and Technical Guidance documents. ... WQMP, storm water drainage, water quality, public utility, private roads to produce blue prints for a land ready and suitable for construction. Building Permits: Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall review the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and grading plan to ensure the structure’s downspouts or drainage outlet locations are consistent with those documents. What is the Model Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and Technical Guidance Document (TGD)?The Model WQMP and TGD have been developed to aid the County of Orange, the Orange County Flood Control District, and cities of Orange County (the Permittees) and development project proponents with addressing post-construction urban runoff and stormwater pollution from new development and significant redevelopment projects that qualify as Priority Projects. Orange County Model WQMP Technical Guidance Document - December 2013; Guidance for Applying to TGD in South Orange County SOC Cover Memo for TGD (12-20-2013) South Orange County Model WQMP SOC Model WQMP (12-20-2013) North Orange County Revised Water Quality Requirements (effective august 17, 2011) Copies of the building or architectural plans showing the downspouts and drainage outlets shall be submitted to the Public Works Departments for review and approval. The criteria for defining a “Priority Project” is provided in the Model WQMP and TGD.  The Model WQMP and TGD describe the process that Permittees will employ for developing a Project WQMP for individual new development and significant redevelopment projects. Project applicants and WQMP preparers are encouraged to incorporate all water quality requirements at the earliest conceptual design stage of the project to aid in receiving early approval of the Preliminary WQMP, and to avoid potential project redesigns and delays during the formal review process. Be approved prior to the scheduling of a public hearing before the City Planning Commission or City Council. (Click here to find out)Different versions of the Model WQMP and TGD exist for North Orange County and South Orange County. Activities, 2003 Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP), DAMP Appendix A -Stormwater Program Local Implementation Plan (LIP), Appendix B, Training and Outreach Materials, Appendix C, Program Effectiveness Assessments (PEA), Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, Local Cities, Special Districts (Water and Sewer Providers), OC Development Services Water Quality website, Technical Guidance Document (September 2017), Hydromodification Management Plan (September 2017)Â, Water Quality Equivalency Guidance Document (2018 Update)Â, South Orange County Hydrology Model (SOCHM), South Orange County Hydrology Model (SOCHM) Guidance Manual, North Orange County Training Modules (2011), South Orange County Training (October, 2017). San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB) – South of El Toro Road In response to permit requirements from the SDRWQCB, the County of Orange has prepared the following documents: • Model WQMP (September 2017) • Technical Guidance Document (September 2017) • Hydromodification Management Plan (September 2017) •Â Water Quality Equivalency Guidance Document (2018 Update) These documents are collectively equivalent to the “BMP Design Manual” required by the San Diego Regional MS4 Permit. The County of Orange cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided by the linked websites. A certification letter from the WQMP preparer may be used to satisfy this condition. Making Orange County a safe, healthy, and fulfilling place to live, work, and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding, cost-effective regional public services. Infiltration BMPs to be considered include the use of permeable materials such as concrete and concrete pavers, infiltration trenches, infiltration planters, and other infiltration BMPs as applicable. What are Best Management Practices (BMPs)? In addition to preparing a Project WQMP for Priority Development Projects, all Priority Development Projects* in the San Diego Region are required to comply with hydromodification criteria. Water Quality Management Plans All projects requiring discretionary and some requiring ministerial City approval are required to prepare a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) in accordance with the Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) and City of Orange … All projects requiring discretionary and some requiring ministerial City approval are required to prepare a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) in accordance with the Orange County. That an adequate number of copies of the project’s approved final Project WQMP are available for the future occupiers. Non-Priority Projects are projects that do not meet any of the categories to be called a Priority Project (Technical Guidance Document Section 1.2), and (3) have a non-negligible potential for stormwater pollution. South Orange County (any area South of El Toro Road) is part of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB). Links are provided below.Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB) – North of El Toro Road In response to permit requirements from the SARWQCB, the County of Orange has prepared the following documents: • Model WQMP (May 2011) • Technical Guidance Document (December 2013) A Project WQMP template has been prepared to help guide you through the process. Applicable sections of the Technical Guidance Document (TGD) are referenced for assistance with completing each section of the checklist. Any link to an external website is not intended as an endorsement of that external website, any product or service offered or referenced to or any views that might be expressed or referenced therein. Click here to use this link and your address to find out! A copy of the forms to be used in conducting maintenance and inspection activities, Recordkeeping requirements (forms to be kept for 5 years). Making Orange County a safe, healthy, and fulfilling place to live, work, and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding, cost-effective regional public services. Below, please find links to download the 9-28-2017 versions of the land development documents: For the latest Model WQMP, TGD, and HMP, please visit the OC Watersheds website. Described below are the various water quality requirements that must be met throughout the project development and construction process. Grease Interceptors: Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall identify the location of the grease interceptor and provide evidence to the Building Official that the design meets and is consistent with the City's latest adopted building codes.

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