So how do you choose which suffix to use? Literary and art critics, for example, have a history of applying it to the names of authors and artists.

The English language already has several words that end in -eque. Kafkaesque. Macalayesque (like Macalay) Four words with this suffix entered English ready-made from French. Your second option is to use an adjective instead! Challenge yourself to learn new suffixes and their meanings so you can expand your vocabulary even more! In addition to these four words that entered English as foreign borrowings, we have two more words that combine existing English words with the suffix -esque: picturesque: This word started out as a French borrowing–pittoresque–but quickly morphed into picturesque because of the similarity of sound between pittor and picture. Also, the hyphen helps if the word you are attaching the suffix to already ends in a vowel. Lastly, you may have to resort to using similes or metaphors. Turneresque (like Turner). Let us know in the comments below! You can almost always get away with this trick! Let’s look at some examples of people creating their own -esque words. What are some other words ending in the suffix -esque? Your email address will not be published. Words With -Esque. One of the most fun parts of writing is trying to describe a person, place, or feeling—but sometimes common adjectives don’t seem to capture what we want to convey! The girls romped around the room, belting out a Disney-esque song at the top of their lungs. suff. Perhaps the existence of picturesque and statuesque has influenced the use of -esque as an English suffix. In fact, Abraham Lincoln has the word Lincolnesque created just for him! 2 letters 3 letters 4 letters 5 letters 6 letters 7 letters 8 letters 9 letters 10 letters 11 letters 12 letters 13 letters 14 letters 15 letters 16 letters. Log in, Back the wrong horse and bet on the wrong horse, Thorn in one’s side and thorn in one’s flesh. The little boy frowned and said in a clear Sheldon-esque tone, “You mean you don’t know what the word means?”. Her passion is to see the next generation of children become lovers of reading and learning in the midst of short attention spans.

But other writers are not so timid about adding the suffix to words—for example: [H]is sharp suits and his love of a killer melody are Sinatraesque. -esque synonyms, -esque pronunciation, -esque translation, English dictionary definition of -esque. -Ish is a Germanic suffix which indicates classification or origin, a disposition or inclination, a degree of some quality, or an approximation. grotesque: This French spelling was adopted into English about 1640. suffix. You will improve your English in only 5 minutes per day, guaranteed! The homeless man sported a Santa-esque look as he wandered through the streets in his red coat and pants.

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