As predicted, the results indicated that both greater similarity in attitudes and the stranger's laughter in response to the joke led to more positive perceptions and greater attraction to the stranger. friends and partners who are similar to themselves simply because of Further analyses revealed that this effect was due to differences in the perceived funniness and not merely the enjoyableness of the conditions. In summary, sharing humor in an initial encounter between strangers appears to enhance feelings of closeness and mutual attraction by expanding each person's sense of self and by reducing their feelings of discomfort and anxiety, particularly among people who generally have a good sense of humor as well as those who usually tend to feel anxious about their close relationships. Relationships can be divided into ‘exchange’ relationships (rewards exchanged predominantly) and ‘communal’ relationships (rewards given out of concern for other). Some prominent researchers such as John Gottman have been very successful in predicting the outcomes of relationships on the basis of short periods of interaction, particularly during conflict episodes. occur together, but they do not always go hand in hand in a relationship: Some researchers study the influence of childhood attachment styles on accessibility: people are more likely to associate with people who are A central concept in the study of group processes is ‘group cohesiveness,’ which refers to the overall solidarity of groups, their ‘groupness,’ and the process that transforms an aggregate of unrelated individuals into a psychological group. September’s Words in the News explain all. Third, children are less likely to form friendships with peers of a different race than they are to like or accept them. causes attraction. Viewed in another way, these findings suggest that laughing at the funny things another person says is a way not only of expressing feelings of attraction but also of enhancing one's own attractiveness to the other person (Grammer, 1990). It grew from Tony Smith's clever method of determining the direction of causality in the liking–similarity correlation (using attitude scales ‘filled out by another student’ [who was actually bogus: the forms were filled out by the experimenter]), which finally enabled researchers to discover the causal effects of specific levels of similarity on the dependent variable of attraction. While we tend to be attracted to people with whom we have a humorous interaction in our first encounter, we may be particularly attracted to those who laugh at our jokes, since this indicates that they share our sense of humor. To measure the stability of a friendship, repeated sociometric surveys are needed to learn whether friendships are maintained. To be an effective leader in business, you must possess traits that extend beyond management duties. Second, for young children, photographs of schoolmates are used instead of a class roster, again to overcome literacy or memory constraints. Researchers can ask children for a limited number of nominations (e.g., their best three friends) or can use an unlimited nomination measure in which children can name all their friends in their class or in their grade. In an experiment by Arnie Cann and his colleagues, participants were instructed to tell a joke to a same-sex stranger who was actually a confederate of the experimenter (Cann, Calhoun, and Banks, 1997). I’m sure a lot of people would agree that we live in strange times. Viren Swami is a reader at the Department of Psychology, University of Westminster, UK. Synonyms: entertainment , feature , delight , distraction More Synonyms of attraction Through cooperative interdependence in the pursuit of shared goals, people become attracted to one another, to the group, and to the group's goals. Interpersonal attraction refers to positive feelings about another person. Furthermore, it is also important to distinguish children's participation in friendships from their overall acceptance by the peer group. An attraction is something that people can go to for interest or enjoyment, for example, a famous building. In general, we tend to be attracted to people who display a sense of humor. In the cost-benefit analyses underlying interpersonal attraction (K. S. Cook and Rice, 2003), a sense of humor in another person increases the perceived benefits of a relationship (the pleasant feelings associated with laughter) and decreases the perceived costs (there is less likelihood that the person will become easily offended or burden us with negative emotional reactions). Another approach treats attraction as the desire to form a friendly or romantic relationship with a particular person. but also between friends. It can take many forms, including liking, love, friendship, lust, Evidence in support of the friendship-acceptance distinction comes from several lines of inquiry. In this way a group forms, and its overall cohesiveness is an arithmetic combination of individual members' attraction to one another and the group. With this methodology, children can be assigned a score based on the number of reciprocated friendship nominations they have. Leadership skills can be learned and leaders may evolve. However, the research has diversified as researchers have become less satisfied with the idea that attraction ‘causes’ relationships or is in any significant way a predictor of relational outcomes. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Copyright © 2010 by The participants subsequently rated their perceptions of the stranger and their feelings of attraction to him or her. physical attractiveness, proximity, similarity, and reciprocity: Many researchers focus on one particular form of attraction: romantic Finally, the recent emphasis in the personal relationships field on the communicative activity that connects the members of a partnership has caused a move away from an approach that essentially presumed that (success in) relationships could be predicted on the basis of the knowledge of the characteristics of the two partners before they even met. As predicted, the participants in the humorous condition reported feeling much closer and more attracted to each other afterwards, as compared to those in the nonhumorous condition. For instance, social identity theory does not consider attraction-to-group to be the basic process of group formation, but rather one of a range of consequences of a process of identification with the group (i.e., self-categorization in terms of the group's defining features—see Social Identity, Psychology of). The walled city is an important tourist attraction. Interestingly, the effect of laughter on the part of the stranger was even powerful enough to overcome the well-established negative effect of attitude dissimilarity on attraction. Second, having friends and being accepted by peers independently predict to feelings of loneliness at school and to whether or not children are victimized by peers. This similarity is seen not only between romantic partners Furthermore, the effect of humor on closeness was stronger for participants with a greater sense of humor and for those with a more anxious attachment style. Familiarity: proximity also promotes familiarity and familiarity also increases liking for something or someone. In the section that follows, the focus is on the effects of friendship on school adjustment; however, several of the supplementary readings may be useful for readers interested in learning more about acceptance and school adjustment. Let me explain: attraction leads us to communicate more with people, which is the essential fi rst step to forming an interpersonal relationship, including a romantic relationship, friendship, or even being involved in a group. Attraction is often treated as equivalent to liking. Despite this one-sided view of the initiation of complex relationships, such research did not overlook cultural factors (e.g., some cultures find slimness attractive while others find plumpness attractive) or the fact that initial attraction did not straightforwardly predict long-term success of relationships. This latter idea is a favorite of the dating agencies, which measure similarities between two people who have not met and then pretend to be able to predict relationship success from there. Now that you know the definition of attrition, enlist a VIP travel expert to handle the fine print and details of your group contract. Finally, social skills intervention studies have repeatedly found that children can make gains in peer acceptance yet not make gains in their number of good friends. Moreland and Levine (e.g. Since Exist Find more ways to say attraction, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. ...our level of attraction to the opposite sex. intelligence, emotional stability, dependability, and good health of There are both similarities and differences among cultures in romantic As mutual commitment rises or ebbs, members move in and out of different general roles within the group (e.g., new member, ‘oldtimer’)—a process characterized by role transitions that are quite marked, and which can involve public rites of passage. Area 51, Starship, and Harvest Moon: September’s Words in the News. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001, International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Of all attitudes, one of the most interesting is the attitudes of others and factors that influence, International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), The Psychology of Humor: An Integrative Approach, In general, we tend to be attracted to people who display a sense of humor.
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